Webináře o době post-covidové s HSE Graduate School of Business

Webináře o době post-covidové s HSE Graduate School of Business
Partnerská univerzita HSE Graduate School of Business nabízí studentům FSV UK účast na sérii webinářů na téma Post-Covid World. The Future Is Now. Probíhají každou středu od 14. října do 25. listopadu 2020.
In October 2020 HSE Graduate School of Business launches a series of open weekly English-speaking webinars to discuss the future of the post-Сovid world, new challenges, changes and the impact that global pandemic has made on the business worldwide.
GSB faculty members will present their talks on the number of relevant topics: sustainability, mobility, new marketeers, HR-analytics, strategies of business development in digital economy and well-being in the changing world.
Come and join GSB webinars sessions every Wednesday at 5 pm Moscow time in October and November. You will have a chance to meet Faculty members, ask questions and become a part of GSB community.
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