Dean’s Measure no. 31/2018

Statute of the Commission for Ethics in Research

Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences


Dean’s Measure no. 31/2018



Statute of the Commission for Ethics in Research  


In effect from:

1. 7. 2018


In Prague on 14 June, 2018                                                                                      

        PhDr. Alice Němcová Tejkalová, Ph.D.

                                                                                                                     Dean of the Faculty


Article 1

Basic Provisions

  1. The Commission for Ethics in Research (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission") of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University (hereinafter referred to as the "faculty") is hereby established.
  2. This statute governs the activities, composition and acts of the commission.
  3. Within the collegium of the dean of the faculty, the commission falls under the competence of the vice-dean for science and research.
  4. The activities and meetings of the commission are organized by the research office of the faculty.


Article 2

Activities of the Commission

  1. The task of the commission is to assess the ethical aspects of the objectives, methodology and potential impacts of research projects, or their parts, which are carried out or attended to by the researchers who are staff members of Charles University employed at the faculty and faculty students. Such aspects include, in particular, the protection of the rights and dignity of persons who are either the objects or in some form (respondents, participants, witnesses, etc.) subjects of the planned research.
  2. The activities of the commission are based on the principles defined in the Statute of Charles University, in particular its preamble, in the Code of Ethics of Charles University, the European Charter for Researchers and the European Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity. In its activities, it observes the principles and objectives of the university strategy for assessing and approving the ethical aspects of research projects. The recommendations and statements of the Commission for Ethics in Research of Charles University are binding for its activities.[1]
  3. Where appropriate, the commission may seek the opinions and recommendations of independent experts.
  4. The commission may issue general recommendations on the ethical admissibility of procedures and research objectives, as well as recommendations aimed at reinforcing the emphasis on ethical issues of research in teaching and in the elaboration of qualification theses at the faculty. At the request of academics and students of the faculty, it provides consultations in the preparation of concrete research plans.
  5. The commission does not assess the unethicality of the procedures of researchers when handling the projects.


Article 3

Composition of the Commission

  1. The commission has five members. The dean of the faculty appoints the members from the ranks of the academic and scientific staff of the faculty at the proposal of the directors of the institutes of the faculty, taking into account the equal representation of the institutes. The membership is conditioned by the written consent of the appointed member.
  2. The commission elects its chairperson from among its members.
  3. The term of office of the commission is four years and begins on the date of the appointment of the commission as a whole by the dean. Membership in the commission during the term of office may be terminated by dismissal as a result of the termination of the labor relations of a member of the commission to Charles University, by renunciation of membership by a written declaration of a member of the commission sent to the dean of the faculty or, in justified cases (e.g. inactivity) by recalling a member of the commission by the dean of the faculty. The dean will then invite the institute that proposed this member of the commission to put forward a new member who is then appointed by the dean for the remainder of the commission's term of office. The decisive date for the end of the membership is the announcement of the dean's decision on the official board of the faculty.
  4. A member of the commission may be appointed repeatedly.



Article 4

Acts of the Commission

  1. The commission meets as and when necessary, it is convened and chaired by the chairperson of the commission or a member of the commission designated by him/her.
  2. The commission is quorate with the participation of an absolute majority of all its members and acts by an absolute majority of the votes of all its members.
  3. The commission acts on the basis of a request for an ethical assessment of the project submitted to it by the researchers in the prescribed form, taking into account the requirements demanded by the rules of the respective grant competition. The request contains the comments on the objectives and methods of the project that are relevant to assessing their ethical admissibility.
  4. The researchers of the proposed projects submit a request for an ethical assessment of the project depending on the dates of grant competitions set by the faculty so that the commission has at least thirty days for passing its decision and drafting the assessment. The commission is obliged to act without any delay so as not to jeopardize compliance with the prescribed dates of the grant competition.
  5. In urgent matters, the commission may act by means of a closed electronic conference in accordance with the rules which it lays down itself. The minutes of this vote will be approved by the commission at its next closest meeting and will include the names of the members of the commission and indicate how each of them voted.
  6. The commission may invite the researchers of the assessed projects to supply further necessary information or ask them to attend its meetings.
  7. The commission is required to prevent conflicts of interest. A member of the commission who is part of the team of the assessed project is required to notify the commission of this fact. The form of his/her participation in the assessment of the project will then be determined by the chairperson or, in the event of a conflict of interests, by a member of the commission authorized by him/her.
  8. The commission keeps a record of its acts. It will provide the applicants for ethical assessment of the projects with its statement as a separate document within a set period of time, a copy of which is part of the record. In the event the assessment is negative, the commission will state its objections and comments and will notify the respective staff of the research office of this fact.
  9. At the request of the dean, the commission draws up an annual report on its activities for each calendar year and submits it by 31 March of the following year at the latest.


Article 5

Final Provisions

  1. This measure is issued after a prior statement by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of June 5, 2018.
  2. This measure comes into force on 1 July, 2018.

                                                                                                              PhDr. Alice Němcová Tejkalová, Ph.D. 

Dean of the Faculty

In charge of accuracy:

prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Kučera, CSc.

Vice-Dean for science and research



[1] See the Measure of the Rector of Charles University no. 74/2017: Statute of the commission for ethics in research of Charles University.