Our partner university in Vienna offers 4 one-month academic stays suitable for PhD students and postdocs within the framework of inter-university cooperation.
Our partner, Hong Kong Baptist University is offering our students the possibility of virtual exchange in winter semester 2021/2022.
Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO) project, which succeeded in an all-European contest, will be located at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Prague and it will be led by experts from Charles University and Czech Technical University.
Our partner, University of Hamburg, is offering our students a stipend for one of the online summer schools. The application deadline is 10 May 2021. Apply at studyabroad@fsv.cuni.cz.
The International Office opens additional Call for Applications for Inter-University Study Stays Winter Semester 2021/2022. The deadline for the applications is on January 25, 2021.
Study abroad online and apply for the summer and spring semester at our partner universities, Higher School of Economics, National Research University in Russia and Kyungpook National University, Korea.