4EU+ European university alliance

4EU+ European university alliance

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4EU+ alliance unites seven prestigious European universities: Charles university, Heidelberg UniversitätSorbonne Université, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Università degli Studi di MilanoKøbenhavns Universitet and University of Geneve. As of 01/07/2023, the 4EU+ Alliance has grown with another member, which is the French Paris-Panthéon-Assas University. Paris-Panthéon-Assas joined the alliance as a complementary university to the already original member, Sorbonne University, and offers cooperation in the fields of law, political science, economics, management, information studies and journalism.

Strategic cooperation of the member institutions began in 2017; formally the alliance was established in March 2018 as general partnership for new quality development in research, innovations, education and services. Likewise, one of its aim was to create suitable platform to facilitate student, academic and administrative mobilities and to share infrastructures. In 2019 the Alliance clinched funding in European universities call

Program offer for PHD students

Alliance 4EU+ offers PhD students participation in the Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Project Management program.

It is a seven-month program in an international interdisciplinary environment, which includes two on-site workshops (in Milan and Warsaw).

All information is available on the CPPT website here: https://cppt.cuni.cz/CPPTN-591.html, or also on the 4EU+ website: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-850.html.

The deadline for submitting an application to the UK is August 31, 2024.

Summer School in Geneva with scholarship

We are sharing an offer for undergraduate and graduate students for a summer school that focuses on addressing the global challenges of climate change and its impact on human health.

The SDG Summer School: Planetary Health will be held in Geneva from 1-26 July and four students from 4EU+ universities will receive a scholarship covering the costs of transport, accommodation and meals.

The deadline for applications is April 30.

More information can be found here: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-415.html?newsID=21661.

SDG Summer School: Planetary Health 1-26 July, Geneva


Four full scholarships for 4EU+ students

Apply by 30 April


Online course in Heidelberg

 We would like to draw your attention to the following hybrid lecture which we have just added to the UHD course catalogue of the 4EU+ Shared Courses:

European constitutional law and theory”  offered by Professor Armin von Bogdandy, Director at the Max-Planck-Institute of Comparative Public Law and International Law.

The course will cover the following themes:

EU law is essential to many operations in European society, and to many political conflicts concerning its future evolution. Many see the upcoming EU elections as a choice for much more or much less Europe. But what is Europe, the object of those conflicts? Constitutional theory is a path to answering this question that is as scholarly as political. The lecture will present the contested foundations that allow a constitutional understanding of EU law and provide a republican account of EU law in a critical dialogue with other theories. Thinkers such as Kant, Hegel, Durkheim, Schmitt, Böckenförde, Weiler, Amato, Nicolaidis, or Forst will be discussed as well as key judgments and events, such as the financial crisis, Brexit, democratic back sliding, Covid and the war in Ukraine. The lecture should help students to get a better grasp on EU law and politics and to identify their own position.

Application Deadline: 14.04.2024

Further information can be found on the 4EU+ Student Portal:  https://sp.4euplus.eu/courses/1b0ecd78-e7bf-44f3-830f-9c3c27bc76a9

Though the official registration period for 4EU+ shared courses at Heidelberg University has already passed, students from partner universities can still register for this course by contacting me directly by email via 4EUplus.courses@uni-heidelberg.de.

Workshops on new technologies in education

The 4EU+ Alliance invites the academic community to a series of online workshops in April that focus on the use of new technologies in education. The workshops are open to PhD students and academics who want to use this platform to exchange experiences in an international context and broaden pedagogical perspectives.

You need to register to participate.

All information can be found on the 4EU+ website here: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-415.html?newsID=21677.

Study trip to Geneva

We would like to inform you of a special opportunity for academics with interest in environmental policy. This is a study trip to Geneva organized by the Geneva Science-Policy Interface for 4EU+ Flagship 4 in October 2024.

This year, the Geneva Science-Policy Interface organizes a special edition of study trip for the 4EU+ Alliance. The goal is to build the bridge between the Flagship 4 community and Geneva’s ecosystem of global environmental governance.

During the trip, participants will gain insights into international decision-making, expand their networks for potential partnerships, engage with diverse disciplines, and develop policy engagement competences throughout the program. Please note that each 4EU+ member university will have up to 2 places for participants and their expenses will be covered by the Alliance.

Some key information:

Dates: 8-10 October 2024

Place: Geneva

Registration open until 15 May 2024

For more information, please visit https://4euplus.eu/4EU-415.html?newsID=21593

Online courses in Heidelberg

We would like to draw your attention to the newly published offer of 4EU+ online courses for this summer semester by the University of Heidelberg. The offer includes courses in English and German in the fields of law, religious studies, translation, geography, political ecology and others.

All information about the courses and the registration procedure is available on the 4EU+ student portal: https://sp.4euplus.eu/courses.

Applications are open until March 30, 2024.

4EU+ Visiting Professorships call open

As part of its long-term efforts to strengthen inter-university cooperation and excellence, the 4EU+ Alliance announces the second edition of the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships initiative.

This programme offers ambitious researchers and academics a unique opportunity to share expertise and gain new perspectives through a 2-3 month placement at another 4EU+ university. Participants can give lectures, develop joint training programmes, lead research projects, use the scientific facilities of the visiting universities or participate in the organisation of scientific workshops and conferences. The programme is funded by the budget of the European University Alliance 4EU+.

Applications are open to all academic staff employed at Charles University and other 4EU+ universities until 20 May 2024. The planned mobility must take place by the end of November 2025. 

All information about the call, including the application form, is available on the Alliance website: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-788.html.  

Strengthening inter-university cooperation through academic mobility is also one of the key points of the Strategic Plan of Charles University. 

If you have any questions about the call, please do not hesitate to contact the UK Europe Centre at 4euplus@cuni.cz. There will be a webinar for potential applicants, the date of which will be announced shortly.

University of Milan shared course for 4EU+ students

The 4EU+ shared course International Human Rights and humanitarian law advocacy clinicby the University of Milanis a Jean Monnet module, offered in hybrid format for a class of 30 students, selected on the basis of their motivation and curriculum.

5 places are reserved for students from the other 4EU+ Alliance partner Universities. 

Classes will be offered in the format of an intensive course (1-5 July 2024). Coursework will be complemented by a 3-month involvement in a project to be agreed upon with relevant stakeholders.

The format of the course and the international composition of the class are particularly suited for students who may attend remotely as part of the 4EU+ shared courses offer.

Contents: AdvoC is a Jean Monnet module that aims to offer students and graduates the chance to develop their theoretical knowledge and practical skills to pursue a career in International human rights and humanitarian law advocacy.

Pre-requirements: Previous knowledge of international human rights and humanitarian law, as well as of the institutional aspects of EU law, will be considered in the selection process.

How to apply and selection: Fill in the admission form (link here, under "Registration procedure and timeline") by 23 February 2024. Candidates may be invited to an online interview in the first week of March.

Contacts: advocunimi@gmail.com

Please find attached the leaflet of the course.

The full offer of 4EU+ shared courses of the University of Milan is available on the 4EU+ Student Portal.

Call for student minigrants open

The deadline for submitting project proposals for student mini-grants within the 4EU+ alliance has been announced.

Students have the opportunity to create their own project and at the same time establish international ties with students of partner universities of the 4EU+ alliance, under whose banner this challenge was created. In 2024, it is possible to apply for project support up to a maximum amount of 150,000. CZK.

All information, including the revised student mini-grant rules, can be found here

The applicant must be a student of Charles University.

The faculty deadline for reporting the project proposal and submitting the project plan is February 26, 2024 (contact person: T. Broučková tereza.brouckova@fsv.cuni.cz). More information and a link to the application form can be found on the website.

A request for support has to be submitted electronically using this form.

An informational webinar is planned for those interested in 4EU+ student mini-grants on February 6 from 5:00 p.m. CET. Register for the webinar by February 4th here.

New Call for minigrants 2024 open

We would like to draw your attention to the announcement of the CU call for academic mini-grants for the year 2024.

The entire call, including the amended rules for academic mini-grants, can be found at: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-760.html

The purpose and rules of mini-grants are modified by the rector's relevant measure.

Contact person at Oddělení vědy: Tereza Broucková (tereza.brouckova@fsv.cuni.cz), you can find more information on the website.

Deadline for submitting the project plan to the OV: 20th February 2024.

The deadline for submitting applications to the RUK is 29th February 2024.

Compared to calls in previous years, there has been a fundamental change in the structure of mini-grants, please pay attention to the new rules. In the coming period, the support will be aimed at the creation of new collaborations (up to the amount of CZK 300,000) and at supporting the development and sustainability of existing collaborations (up to the amount of CZK 250,000).

Please note that project teams that have already received support in the form of a mini-grant or other project financed from the budget of the European University Alliance 4EU+ in the past are not eligible to apply for a new project and must apply for support for continued cooperation, where the condition is close cooperation with the so-called 4EU+ Grant Support Service.

The request for support is submitted electronically using the form available here: https://cuni.cz/UK-13232.html.

The application must include:

a. involved universities and researchers (cooperation can be existing or new, but with already agreed partners),

b. annotation and expected results of the project,

c. the goal of the project,

d. short justification of the project's compliance with Mission Statement 4EU+,

e. the requested budget with its brief justification,

f. other long-term intended financing of the project,

g. confirmation (at least by a record of e-mail communication) of informing the faculty (faculty coordinator) about the intention to submit this application,

h. a written expression of interest in cooperation from foreign workplaces signed by the researcher and the head of the relevant workplace.

You can find more information here: https://cuni.cz/UK-11780.html

Virtual mobility call for summer semester 23/24 Closed

Another call of the UK POVIM virtual mobility support fund for the collection of VM courses for the summer semester 2023/2024 has been announced.

The deadline for the collection of shared courses for POVIM is December 10, 2023, collection of applications until December 8, 2023.

The conditions of the POVIM fund remain the same as last semester. Detailed rules are available on the UK website. At the same time, the website also contains information about the categories of courses for virtual mobility, including terms and conditions, also in English.

Even in this call, the division of courses for virtual mobility into three categories is preserved:

  • 4EU+ Joint Courses (category 1) – courses created within the framework of 4EU+ alliance cooperation, e.g. edu projects, which can be offered to all students of the 4EU+ Alliance - POVIM support cannot be applied for;
  • 4EU+ Shared Courses (category 2) – courses meeting the conditions of 4EU+, belonging to the flagship, fulfilling key competences, offered to all students of the 4EU+ Alliance - POVIM support can be applied for;
  • Open Courses (category 3) – courses open outside the 4EU+ Alliance, i.e. they do not have to meet the condition of belonging to flagships and fulfilling key competencies, will be offered to students of all partner universities.

You can apply for POVIM support For more details on the categories - see the attachment Virtual mobility at CU_categories.pdf

Courses opened outside the alliance that will apply for support within the POVIM fund must be entered in SIS and with complete syllabi before submitting applications to RUK, i.e. by December 10 (as well as shared courses), otherwise they will be automatically excluded from the selection process.

The application is submitted directly by the person to whom the support is to be paid, not by their superior or other representative, as this subsequently complicates the payment.

The 4EU+ Student Portal, where the shared courses within 4EU+ are published, is currently being modified and the conditions will likely be modified. In such a case, the supported researchers will be invited to supplement the information on the selected courses.

It is also now possible to enter a flag to mark 4EU+ activities in SIS. The material for this can be found in the attachement, in the Czech and English versions. The flag can also be added to activities that take place in the current winter semester.

Support from the POVIM fund can be applied for by academic staff who will be teaching category 2 and 3 courses in the 23/24 school year, and administrative staff ensuring the running of VM courses in the following amount:

  • CZK 15,000 for an academic worker in the event of the creation of a new course open to VM,
  • CZK 7,500 for an academic worker for the maintenance of an already existing course open to VM,
  • 7,500 CZK for an administrative worker for the management of courses open to VM at the UK

Applications for support, legibly completed and signed by the person to whom the support is to be intended, should be sent on the prescribed form (see POVIM application form) to e-mail: svoz@fsv.cuni.cz no later than December 8, 2023 at 4 p.m. Applications that are submitted after the deadline or that do not contain all the required information will be automatically excluded from the selection process, as well as applications for courses that are not entered in SIS with complete syllabi by the deadline.

You can find more information on supporting virtual mobility and the POVIM fund on the UK website.


We would like to inform you that two opportunities are open until November 12 for students who would like to actively participate in the activities of the 4EU+ Alliance. In addition to the call for student ambassadors, there are coordinator positions and participants in the "4EU+ Votes Europe" campaign.

We are looking for enthusiastic students who want to actively shape the future of Europe and participate in the campaign that 4EU+ is planning in connection with the upcoming European Parliament elections.

We are announcing a call for the position of student campaign coordinator (we estimate that work on the project will take 20-30 hours per month). Participating students who would become part of the team at the UK can also apply. We are planning an initial meeting of interested parties in the form of an early evening Wine & Cheese on November 15. To express your interest, just fill out a short form. More information in the attached leaflets or here: https://cuni.cz/UK-13137.html.

4EU+ Student Ambassadors

4EU+ is looking for two ambassadors from each of the eight member universities to help us raise awareness of the Alliance, its vision and specific activities in which students can get involved. For you, this role will mean not only the opportunity to participate in the formation of the student community and its voice in the Alliance, but will also bring you a number of opportunities for personal and professional growth. You will gain new international contacts, access to tailor-made workshops and the opportunity to participate in foreign events. At the same time, it will be up to you to decide on the direction and nature of the projects and activities that you will implement as part of your ambassadorship. Either way, this experience will equip you with skills that will be invaluable in your academic and professional career.

More information: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-736.html.

A course offer for 4EU+ students

We would like to share with you the current 4EU+ offer for full degree students of all disciplines and degrees (bachelor's, master's and doctoral). 

The Urban Health Case Challenge (UHCC) is organized for the third year within the 4EU+ Alliance, this year's theme is "Obesity in the urban environment". Obesity is one of the main civilizational challenges of our time. According to the WHO, obesity is "often the result of environmental and social changes associated with development and a lack of supportive policies in sectors such as health, agriculture, transport, urban planning, the environment, food processing, distribution, marketing and education". Together with their team, students will work to solve a given case question related to one of these relationships.

The course consists of four online lectures (starting on November 15), where students will be introduced to different perspectives on the given topic. The case call will take the form of a physical face-to-face workshop in Warsaw from 9 to 12 December 2023.

On the first day, a specific challenge will be announced and student teams will work to solve it creatively and innovatively with reference to industry knowledge. Participants will be trained in problem solving and presentation of results and solutions. On the last day of the competition, the teams will present their solutions to an international jury of experts and then receive feedback. The winning team will have the opportunity to put their proposed idea into practice.

The course is organized at the Faculty of Science and is open to students of all faculties.

The course is valued at 3 ECTS, students of doctoral programs can discuss enrollment in an individual study plan with their supervisors.

The deadline for applications is October 15.

Information on logging in and the course at a glance:

  • Those interested send the application to the addresses: julie.hubenakova@ruk.cuni.cz and sykora@natur.cuni.cz.
  • It includes the student's name and identification number, faculty, study program and degree, and a brief motivation in 10 sentences
  • The course is valued at 3 ECTS Course code in SIS: MZ340A01
  • The trip to Warsaw is covered by a short-term mobility scholarship

You can find all the details here: https://cuni.cz/UK-13066.html.

Become 4EU+ student ambassador!

Do you know what Alliance 4EU+ is and ideally you already have experience with an alliance project, course or other activity? If you are interested in intercultural cooperation and communication, speak English and want to become part of a unique student community, this opportunity is for you.

4EU+ is looking for two ambassadors from each of the eight member universities to help us raise awareness of the Alliance, its vision and specific activities in which students can get involved. For you, this role will mean not only the opportunity to participate in the formation of the student community and its voice in the Alliance, but will also bring you a number of opportunities for personal and professional growth. You will gain new international contacts, access to tailor-made workshops and the opportunity to participate in foreign events. At the same time, it will be up to you to decide on the direction and nature of the projects and activities that you will implement as part of your ambassadorship. Either way, this experience will equip you with skills that will be invaluable in your academic and professional career.

So don't hesitate, think about how you will take this challenge and send the application by October 22.

You can find more information and instructions on how to apply on the 4EU+ website here.

Virtual courses of 4EU+ universities open

We would like to draw your attention to the offer of 4EU+ shared courses for UK students, which take place in the form of virtual mobility.

These courses cover a wide range of topics, allowing students to discover new perspectives and collaborate with students from partner institutions.

Here is an overview of several courses available for registration:

Courses at the University of Milan:

Courses in Science and Technology, Law, Political Science, and the Humanities: Anglophone Cultures I

Registration deadline: September 20 and 27

Courses in the field of medicine, agricultural and food sciences, language and cultural mediation: Clinical Practice 6th Year - Lifestyle, exercise and sport medicine, Bioresources for Innovation in Mountain Products

Registration deadline: September 20 and 27

Courses at Heidelberg University:

Registration deadline: September 30

Courses: Collegio futuro: a college for designers of a sustainable European future, International Environmental Law, "Human or Not? The Age of A.I." – Interpreters' Monday's conference and more

Courses at the University of Warsaw:

Registration deadline: October 8

Courses: Algorithms in digital economy, International healthcare systems, Social and sustainable entrepreneurship and others.

Detailed information and instructions for registration can be found on the 4EU+ Student Portal.

Offers archive

Here you can find former offers of the 4EU+ activities.