Working groups
Working groups
The Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, established four working groups whose activities respond to current social issues.
In the first year of its existence, the working group was concerned with mapping the career conditions of women at the faculty and identifying possible obstacles, subsequently making proposals to improve the situation (for the management of the faculty and the university to include children's groups in the support of kindergartens, or the possibility of enshrining the partial reimbursement of paid home care for the youngest children at the university level). Now the group is starting to work on the concept of mentoring for female colleagues before the habilitation procedure due to the very low number of assistant professors (and subsequently even fewer professors) at FSV UK.
More information about the members and activities of the working group for detecting possible obstacles in the career development of women can be found here.
The working group is an innovative team that will be dedicated to improving the quality of teaching, respond flexibly to new stimuli based on global trends and best practices of our foreign partners, and will focus on creating an inspiring study environment for our students. The goal of the working group is to support and strengthen the professional growth of all academic staff, regardless of their age category or career level. The path to higher quality education will be modern, proactive and trendy and will bring new opportunities for development, improvement of educational procedures and raising teaching standards.
More information about members and activities of the working group for the development of pedagogical skills can be found here.
Sustainability working group
The working group deals with activities to support the sustainable development of our faculty. We emphasize operational matters and are open to various ideas from the academic community. Our main goal is to improve the environment in which we study and work. In addition, we want to develop the topic on a theoretical level and to further support the theoretical knowledge of our students in this direction.
More information about members and activities of the sustainability working group can be found here.
Well-being working group
The aim of the well-being working group is to set support processes in the field of psychological support and well-being and to increase awareness in this area among staff and students.
More information about members and activities of the well-being working group can be found here.