The Dean's Office

The Dean's Office

The Dean’s office is the executive apparatus of the Faculty in economic and administrative matters.

The majority of the central administration offices is to be found in the Hollar building, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1. The Project Support and Investment Office is located at Voršilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1.


  • Un/finished exhibition open call

    Un/finished. That is the name of the upcoming exhibition of unfinished photographic projects by students of Filip Láb. Become a part of it and send your unfinished photos.

  • From 11 June, self-payers can get a vaccine against Covid-19!

    The option of vaccination against Covid-19 for self-payers will be available from 11 June 2021. It is intended for people not insured within the public health insurance system of the Czech Republic or other European Union member state.

  • Announcement of the loss of Filip Láb

    It is with profound sadness that the Faculty administration shares the news that doc. Mgr. MgA. Filip Láb, Ph.D. has suddenly passed away.

  • In-person examination update

    Given the current epidemiologic situation, it is now possible to carry examinations in an in-person/offline/standard form. The in-person/offline/standard examination is only an option not an obligation and it is possible only in the legitimate and justified cases. The students may fulfil all the requirements (thus also the examination) in the hybrid/online form. In case of an in-person/offline/standard examination, the students of the given subject will be informed via SIS.

  • Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO) will be located at the Faculty of Social Sciences

    Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO) project, which succeeded in an all-European contest, will be located at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Prague and it will be led by experts from Charles University and Czech Technical University.

  • Petr Soukup appointed the ISS director

    PhDr. Ing. Petr Soukup, Ph.D. was chosen in the selection procedure for the director of the Institute of Sociological Studies FSV UK. The newly appointed director will assume the office on 1 June 2021.