Post Room, Record Office

Post Room, Record Office


Records management coordinator: Milada Maněnová

The delivery address for documents in analog form and documents on portable data carriers:


Fakulta sociálních věd UK


Smetanovo nábř. 6

110 01 Praha 1

(Hollar building - ground floor, the office is behind the reception desk of the main entrance)

Post Room e-mail:

Data box identificator:



222 112 214


Eva Toušková

Opening hours

Monday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.



File formats accepted at the electronic address of the FSV UK post room office:

  • PDF (Portable Document Format), version 1.7 and higher,
  • PDF/A (Portable Document Format for the Long-term Archiving), ISO 19005,
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language Document) – part of the transmitted document in the XML data format is a description of its structure using one of the XML or DTD schemes (Document Type Definition),
  • Fo/zfo (602XML Filler document),
  • Ott (Open Document Text),
  • Ods (Open Document Spreadsheet),
  • Answer (Open Document Presentation),
  • Txt (plain text),
  • Rtf (Rich Text Format),
  • Doc/docx (MS Word Document),
  • Xls/xlsx (MS Excel Spreadsheet),
  • Ppt/pptx (MS PowerPoint Presentation),
  • Jpg/jpeg/jfif (Joint Photographic Experts Group File Interchange Format),
  • Png (Portable Network Graphics), ISO/IEC 15948,
  • Tif/tiff (Tagged Image File Format),
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format),
  • CSV (Comma-separated values),
  • Rar and zip archive formats (the files contained in these archives can only be in one of the accepted formats).

After detection of malicious code, the message delivered to the e-mail address of the post room office is not further processed. The sender is not notified. In the case of a mass distributed unsolicited message (e.g. of an advertising nature) or a message sent from an e-mail address that will be evaluated as fake, i.e. a message generally referred to as "spam", this e-mail message will not be further processed and the sender will not be informed of this fact.

On the other hand, solicited advertising messages and correspondence of a commercial or private nature will not be considered spam.

The maximum size of files accepted through the electronic filing system is 10 MB.

Formats of files received through data box:

  • PDF (Portable Document Format), version 1.7 and higher,
  • PDF/A (Portable Document Format for the Long-term Archiving), ISO 19005,
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language Document) – part of the transmitted document in the XML data format is a description of its structure using one of the XML or DTD schemes (Document Type Definition),
  • Fo/zfo (602XML Filler document),
  • Ott (Open Document Text),
  • Ods (Open Document Spreadsheet),
  • Answer (Open Document Presentation),
  • Txt (plain text),
  • Rtf (Rich Text Format),
  • Doc/docx (MS Word Document),
  • Xls/xlsx (MS Excel Spreadsheet),
  • Ppt/pptx (MS PowerPoint Presentation),
  • Jpg/jpeg/jfif (Joint Photographic Experts Group File Interchange Format),
  • Png (Portable Network Graphics), ISO/IEC 15948,
  • Tif/tiff (Tagged Image File Format),
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format),
  • CSV (Comma-separated values),
  • Rar and zip archive formats (the files contained in these archives can only be in one of the accepted formats).

The maximum size of a received data message is 20 MB.

Overview of portable technical data carriers on which documents are accepted in digital form, including their technical parameters:

  • CD, DVD with ISO9660 file system
  • DVD with UDF file system
  • USB flash drive with FAT, FAT32 or NTFS file system

There can be only one electronic submission on one carrier. The carrier is part of the submission. It can only be returned upon express request made when handing it over to the post room office, provided that the data file to be played is no larger than 10 MB. The post room office determines whether the document delivered in digital form on the carrier is complete, can be displayed in a user-perceivable way, does not contain malicious code and is in a data format that is permitted for receiving digital documents.

Method of dealing with data messages that have been found to contain an incorrect data format (computer program) or malicious code that is capable of causing damage:

If the occurrence of an incorrect data format or a computer program that is capable of causing damage to the information system is detected in the data message, or if the data message is otherwise damaged, incomplete, in a format other than the ones mentioned above or unreadable for other reasons, this data message cannot be received and processed. Information about this fact may not be delivered to the sender due to the interception of the data message by the security elements of the internet connection used.

Consequences of document defects:

If the delivered document in analog or digital form is incomplete or illegible, impossible to display it in a user-perceivable way, in a different data format than the one mentioned above, or not stored on the above mentioned technical data carrier, but it will still be possible to find out from the document the sender and his contact details, the sender will be informed of any defects in the document and will be given a reasonable period of time to remove them. If the defect in the delivered document cannot be removed in cooperation with its sender, the document will not be processed further. If it is not possible to determine the sender of the delivered document and his contact information, or if the document contains malicious code, the document will not be processed further.

The main document management systems used within FSV UK

  • System of the electronic file service of Charles University (linked to the Information System of Data Boxes and the Information System of the Register of Contracts)
  • Study Information System and its subsystems
  • Fees Associated with Studies application
  • Nostrification application
  • Scholarships to Support Accommodation and Social Scholarships Application
  • Erasmus application
  • JASU CS economic information system (MÚZO)
  • UK Grant Agency application
  • EGJE payroll system
  • Information system of the Karolinum Publishing House
  • WhoIS personnel system
  • E-ZAK electronic tool for managing public contracts