The Dean's Office

The Dean's Office

The Dean’s office is the executive apparatus of the Faculty in economic and administrative matters.

The majority of the central administration offices is to be found in the Hollar building, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1. The Project Support and Investment Office is located at Voršilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1.


  • Golden Courses for the best courses of the Summer Semester 2022/23

    Golden Courses for the best courses of the Summer Semester 2022/2023 according to the student evaluation were awarded. Congratulations to all recipients! On Tuesday, 3 October 2023, during the Academic Senate FSV UK meeting, the Golden Courses were awarded to the lecturers. The award is accompanied by financial reward.  

  • Launch of FSV UK and CSS NTU cooperation and rountable on disinformation

    We would like to cordially invite you to a roundtable on disinformation narratives, which will be held on the occasion of the establishment of a new intensive cooperation between our faculty and College of Social Sciences (National Taiwan University). We will meet on Tuesday October 10 at 9:30 in the hall C117 (Jinonice Campus).

  • Charles University Grant Agency call for projects

    The Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK) has announced a call for 2024. Projects for 1-3 years can be submitted by master's and doctoral students in the standard period of study by 30 October 2023.

  • 7th CASA Biennial Conference 2023 at FSV UK

    7th Biennial Conference of the Czech Association for Social Anthropology (CASA) on the topic of solidarity takes place from 6 to 8 October 2023 at the Jinonice Campus. The conference is organized both by the CASA and the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.

  • Sustainability Days 2-5 October

    This year, a sustainability working group was created at FSV UK. Its aim is to support sustainability of our faculty. Therefore we join European Sustainable Development Week with the program by FSV UK student clubs. The events will take place from 2 to 5 October 2023 in Jinonice Campus and Hollar building.

  • Centre for the Care for the Soul offers spiritual support

    The Centre for the Care for the Soul offers spiritual support for students and employees in English. The center is non-denominational and inter-religious. The sessions take place in Hybernská Campus and the appointment can be set through Carolina Centre.