Become a Buddy

Become a Buddy


As a Buddy, you are a great help to students coming to Czechia for the first time. 

Do you want to improve in Spanish/French/Russian...? As a Buddy, you have a unique opportunity to meet students from all over the world and improve your language skills.

Are you planning on spending a semester abroad? Do you need to get more information about your dream destination? Can't decide between two universities? Find answers to all your questions while helping a newcomer exchange or full-time degree student from abroad.

Do you want your CV to stand out? For participation in a Buddy programme you can obtain a certificate.

Watch a video with our Buddies sharing their experience. 

To get a better picture of what a Buddy does, read our Buddy Guide 

For full information about the programme click here.

You can register for the Buddy programme here.