New researches at FSV UK

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New researches at FSV UK

FSV UK has two newly accepted European projects. In the new program of the European Commission “Horizon Europe“, we have the Demo-Trans project represented by doc. Petr Janský from the Institute of Economic Studies and the AUTHLIB project represented by dr. Petry Guasti from the Institute of Political Science.

  • AUTHLIB - Neo-authoritarianism in Europe and the liberal democratic response  
  • Main researcher at FSV UK: dr. Petra Guasti, IPS

To protect the future of liberal democracy in Europe, we must first understand its challengers. AUTHLIB is a multidisciplinary project that aims to explore the varieties of neo-authoritarian, illiberal ideologies in Europe, their social, psychological and historical causes, their organisational background and their political implications. The study aims to capture the dynamics of ideological change in the European Union as a whole, but it will particularly focus on Poland, France, Italy, Hungary, Czechia, the United Kingdom and Austria.

  • Demo-Trans - The Interchange Between Democratic Institutions and the Globalisation of the Economy
  • Main researcher at FSV UK: doc Petr Janský, IES

DemoTrans is a multidisciplinary consortium of six experienced and leading research groups from four European research universities and a non-governmental organization. Building on its extensive expertise, DemoTrans will develop new theoretical and empirical academic research focused on robust recommendations aimed at revitalizing democratic governance.