The Dean's Office

The Dean's Office

The Dean’s office is the executive apparatus of the Faculty in economic and administrative matters.

The majority of the central administration offices is to be found in the Hollar building, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1. The Project Support and Investment Office is located at Voršilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1.


  • International CENTRAL conference for PhD students

    The Center for Strategic Partnerships, with the support of the Erasmus+ program, organizes a week-long international conference on the topic "Central Europe: What unites and divides us". The program is intended for 25 doctoral students from five partner universities and will take place on November 21-25, 2022 in Prague at Charles University.

  • Applications for student ombudsman elections can be submitted from 1st September

    The elections of new student ombudsmen are coming! You can submit the application from 1st to 26th September 2022. The Electoral Commissions have been announced.

  • FSV UK students represented Charles University at la SPECQUE

    This summer our students took part in la SPECQUE, which is the largest international francophone simulation of the European Parliament in the world. The simulation took place in Quebec, Canada. This year’s delegation from Charles University consisted of 5 members, and all members of this delegation are also students of FSV UK.

  • 4EU+ Alliance internships for PhD students and academics

    It is still possible to use the 4EU+  mobility funding for a study visit or internship at any 4EU+ university. Both Ph.D. students and academics can apply. The mobility can last a maximum of  one month and has to be concluded by the end of September 2022.

  • CEDMO International Conference: Europe Tackles Information Chaos

    On the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the European Union, CEDMO will hold an international conference on disinformation with experts and key stakeholders – including EU nad CEE representatives, NGOs, academics, think tanks, journalists, legislative and technology actors.

  • First international Erasmus+ ICM Staff Training Week at FSV UK

    The First international Erasmus+ ICM Staff Training Week at FSV UK was held from 13 - 17 June 2022 on-site at Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences in Prague. The topic for this Staff Week was Crisis Management. The participants arrived from universities in Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Moldova.