Before the Semester Starts

Before the Semester Starts

Now that you have settled in, it's time to focus on the academic side of your new life in Prague. These steps will help you navigate the beginnings of your study and set you up for success.

  • Figure out the Study Information System

    This system will be important for you throughout your entire study. You have submitted your application there, you will be choosing your courses, registering for exams, checking your grades, and eventually, you will upload your thesis here. Your logins will consist of a nine-digit number, that you received after enrollment, and a password that you should  create yourself. If you haven’t received the initial password, make sure to check whether you completed your online registration.

    The initial password needs to be changed within 5 days!

    You can find the basic tutorial on how to navigate SIS here. The modules that will be most important for you in your first year are Personal data and settings, Subject and Schedule registration, Schedule, Exam dates, and Summary of exam results.

    Don’t forget to check and edit your personal data once you log in to SIS, and change your delivery address to a Czech one!

  • Register in your Winter semester courses

    The study plan at CUNI is quite flexible in that you will be able to create your own schedule and sign up for courses that you want to study. Each semester, the course registration will open approximately two weeks before the start of the tuition (you can see specific dates in the academic calendar below) and you will have the opportunity to register. 

    The course registration period ends one week into the semester, so you should still have the option of dropping the course after the first lesson, if you realize it is not for you. 

    Tips: Make sure to plan ahead, so that your courses don’t overlap. Don’t forget to check the location of the course - you don’t want to pick two classes in different buildings back to back!

    For up to 6 weeks into the semester, you can still formally request the registration/deregistration of courses through a form signed by the teacher of the course. The form can be downloaded from our website here and must be then delivered to the International Degree Programs Office for processing. You cannot deregister from a course that you have already failed.

  • What will the teaching be like?

    Before you choose specific courses, it’s important to get a rough idea of what the teaching at FSV UK looks like. Check this link to learn more about the basic concepts of what types of courses we offer, how we divide the academic year or how we organize classes. Don’t hesitate to consult your program coordinators if you are still confused. A lot of your possible questions will also be cleared up during the program orientation meeting.

  • Get familiar with your program’s curriculum

    You do not have to plan your entire study semester by semester yet, but we recommend checking the program’s curriculum and get an idea of what you want to do. Notice how many credits you need to obtain, pay attention to how many mandatory courses you will have to pass, and check out the elective selections. You can only register for one semester’s worth of courses at a time, but it is good to have a rough plan for the future.

    There isn’t one correct way to approach your study plan and every student has their own preference. Some people like to get the mandatory courses done and out of the way as soon as possible and then focus on their interests in the second year. Others prefer to spread the mandatory courses evenly. 

    Tips: Notice that some courses are intended to follow up on others - e.g., you must pass “Principles of Economics I” before “Principles of Economics II”.

    Don’t overshoot in your first semester. Mostly, students aim for 5-6 courses in their first winter semester. This is quite doable and shouldn’t overwhelm you too much. 

    Don’t be afraid to talk to your coordinators! You have probably already discussed the first semester course recommendations during the program orientation meeting, but if you are truly struggling with the selection process, the coordinator is here to help. 

    Remember, that you need to reach a minimum of 45 credits in your first academic year in order to continue in the second year and calculate your schedule accordingly. 

  • Attend the Orientation meetings

    During the latter half of September, the orientation meetings will take place. You will be able to find the dates and times here at the end of the page. 

    You should attend two meetings

    • the General orientation meeting organized for all international students enrolling in the first year. You will meet the members of the International Office, learn all you need about life in Prague and the general aspects of study, learn about student societies and more!
    • Program specific orientation meeting where you will meet your program's supervisor, coordinator, and your fellow first year students. Here, you'll get to know about the academic side of your new study and what is expected of you. 
  • Info for students with special needs

    We offer modifications and adaptations to students with physical or mental health conditions that affect the study in order to provide a more inclusive study environment. If you feel like this could benefit you, please don’t hesitate to contact our special needs coordinators who will guide you through the process at

    Check this page for more details.

  • Psychological counselling

    Anyone can find themselves in a difficult situation, especially at the beginning of a new study in a new country. This is why both FSV UK and CUNI offer counselling services for students feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or depressed. 

    Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the contacts on our counselling webpage. Our colleagues are here for you and happy to listen. 

  • Academic calendar

    Each academic year is roughly the same in structure, but exact dates of course change. The academic calendar will help you stay on top of deadlines and help with your planning. 

    We have written down the most important dates for Bachelor and Master students. You can also access those dates and also the full calendar here.

  • Matriculation ceremony

    This annual event welcomes all new students into the academic community of Charles university. It is a longstanding tradition spanning back to the very foundation of the university in the 14th century, and has been held in some form during the entire history of our institution.

    Current matriculation dates

    Matriculation date for English speakers: 17.10.2024

    Matriculation (ceremonial introduction of students to study) takes place in the Carolinum Great Hall, Ovocný trh 5, Prague 1 (CU Rectorate) - map

    All newly enrolled first-year students will receive an email invitation. Participation is mandatory for all first-year Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral students. For the time of matriculation, the student is excused from classes. Students who have previously participated in matriculation at the Charles University are excused from participation.

    What is matriculation?
    Matriculation is an official ceremony to formally welcome the students among the academics. It is a very old traditional event that goes back to the very founding of the university. The students are addressed by the Dean of the Faculty and take a ceremonial oath of a student (see below).

    Is there a dress code for the matriculation?
    Semi-formal dress code is recommended. At minimum, suit pants and white shirt or skirt with a dress top. Suit with a tie/bowtie for and pant suit or cocktail dress are ideal. Students who don't adhere to the dress code (wearing jeans, graphic shirts, sneakers, etc.) will unfortunately not be allowed to participate in the ceremony.

    Is matriculation mandatory?
    Generally, yes. Every first-year student is expected to attend the ceremony. For the duration of the ceremony, students are excused from lectures. Serious reasons for not attending will be considered (e.g. doctor's appointment, not having arrived in Prague yet, work duties, etc.).

    Is matriculation open to the public? 
    No. Matriculation is for the students only.  

    What is the Matriculation Oath?

    Matriculation of students (ceremonial taking of the academic pledge) takes place in the presence of the Rector or Vice-rector and the Dean or Vice-dean of the relevant faculty. The full wording is:

    "I promise to properly exercise the rights and fulfil the duties of a member of the academic community of Charles University. I promise to respect the glorious humanistic and democratic tradition of Charles University, to heed its good reputation, and to study so that my activity brings universal benefit."

    What is the procedure like?

    If you want to be thoroughly prepared for the ceremony, you can read the entire matriculation ceremony procedure in the Matriculation and Graduation Code.

  • Faculty newsletter

    Don’t skip the FSV UK newsletter, which will be delivered monthly to your university email. It will keep you up to date on the most important deadlines, events and news of the month. 

    Apart from that, you will also be receiving newsletters from the Charles University and the CU Point. These will be more focused on events you can attend and services for international students.