Valeria Korablyova: War in Ukraine challenges the entire mindset of Europeans
Valeria Korablyova: War in Ukraine challenges the entire mindset of Europeans
How will the war in Ukraine influence Europe? Are we going to see some new precedents in geopolitical issues? And will the war set any new trends in social sciences?
In this special episode we met with Valeria Korablyova, head of the research center Ukraine in Changing Europe at the Institute of International Studies at FSV UK.
„If we look at sociological polls in America, Africa, Asia, we see that most people disapprove Russian actions, they see all these war crimes and they do not support it. But then, if we're talking about geopolitics, they say, well it's not our war and it's not in our national interest, we do not want to make the United States and western Europe stronger, we do not want to endorse them and we do not want to go against Russia,“ says Valeria Korablyova in our interview.
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De Facto is a podcast of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. It is about the real world of scientists and graduates of social sciences. Teachers, researchers and graduates talk engagingly about their daily lives, work and experiences.