FSV UK Dean’s statement on the current situation

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FSV UK Dean’s statement on the current situation

Dear colleagues,

Following the previous condemnation of Russian aggression towards Ukraine, the faculty management decided to provide financial support to Ukrainian faculty students through scholarships. I further call on teachers and guarantors of study programs to treat students from Ukraine with the utmost respect and sensitivity to their complicated position and to enable them to fulfil their study obligations according to their specific needs.

A special email address life@fsv.cuni.cz was set up for communication with Ukrainian students. At the university level, a central communication platform www.ukrajine.cuni.cz was established, which provides an infoline, psychological assistance offer, important contacts, information on possible support, etc.

Through contacts at its institutes, the faculty examines the possibilities of helping academics and their families in Ukraine, as well as the universities and workplaces where they operate. We anticipate that in the coming semesters we will accept students coming from Ukraine beyond the current capacities and at the same time we will create positions dedicated to Ukrainian academics.

Aware of the tense situation in which the aggressive steps of the Putin regime threw us, I openly declare that students from Russia and Belarus are still welcome at the faculty, of course, taking into account the specific measures that the Czech state administration will take. However, due to the state of relations with Russia, the faculty freezes any other activities resulting from agreements with Russian institutions. I would also point out that approving Russia's attack on Ukraine or expressing support for the current Kremlin leadership will not be tolerated by the faculty and may in certain circumstances be qualified as a criminal offence.

Due to its specialization, the Faculty is responsible for providing information, comments and analyses concerning events in Ukraine. A special working group of faculty experts will be established to coordinate this expertise.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all active students and academics for expressing their civic stances and professional views that represent the faculty in public, as well as for finding ways to show effective solidarity with people who have become victims of war or who are fighting in Ukraine for their country's freedom. 

PhDr. JUDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.

Guide to current information on the conflict in Ukraine can be found here. This page will be continuously updated with important information and links.