Migration Studies and New Societies (MSNS)
Migration Studies and New Societies (MSNS)
The Master Degree in Migration Studies and New Societies is a unique joint programme, co-developed within the framework of the "4EU+ European University Alliance" by the University of Milan, University of Warsaw and Charles University. The final objectives of Migration Studies and New Societies is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of social and political opportunities and challenges posed by global and intra-EU migration and to enable them to acquire competences and analytical tools for interpreting complex political or socio-economic phenomena in a critical way and for appraising their normative, social, political and anthropological implications. At the end of their studies, the students will obtain a single diploma for the three universities.
The graduates will be able to contribute to the actions of international and national governmental and non-governmental organisations and bodies, and to handle tasks and functions concerning the management of migration flows and the integration of migrants, with particular expertise in the European scenario (thus, in full coherence with the objectives of the degree in European Studies). Accordingly, the programme supports the acquisition of methodological tools for examining empirical phenomena, for explaining their dynamics, and for anticipating their evolution as well as the reinforcement of logic and argumentative skills. The interaction between lecturers and students coming from different countries aims at fostering educational learning pathways based on dialogue between subjects with different nationality, experience and background. The teaching activities are mainly organised in seminars and they are designed to follow a student-centered approach, by using innovative teaching methods.
The first year of the joint program is studied at the University of Milan. Therefore, the admissions process is administered by them and the application must be submitted through their portal. Please continue to their website below for more up-to-date information.
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MSNS websiteProgramme description
Programme Duration: 2 years
Language of Instruction: English
Programme Director: doc. Mgr. Jakub Grygar, Ph.D. (grygar@fsv.cuni.cz)
Programme Coordinators: Mgr. Terezie Hanzlíková (terezie.hanzlikova@fsv.cuni.cz), RNDr. Tereza Freidingerová, Ph.D. (tereza.freidingerova@fsv.cuni.cz)
Admission Administration: admissions@fsv.cuni.cz
Tuition Fee: 4 500 EUR per year
Admission Requirements: See the full list here.
Study Prerequisites: The programme is open to students who have completed a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in a related programme study.
Programme Structure: For the programme structure, see the programme website above.