The Dean's Office

The Dean's Office

The Dean’s office is the executive apparatus of the Faculty in economic and administrative matters.

The majority of the central administration offices is to be found in the Hollar building, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1. The Project Support and Investment Office is located at Voršilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1.


  • research team from FSV UK won the Miloslav Petrusek Award

    The Infomore research team from the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism FSV UK won the Miloslav Petrusek Award for presentation, which is awarded for a positive achievement that has a significant impact on the perception of Charles University. The academics received the award during a ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the 674th anniversary of the founding of Charles University.

  • POINT: Call for application for the Spring round is open

    Spring round of call for applications for the POINT programme is open. The programme supports short term internationalization activities. Applications can be submitted online via the online application from 1th till 30th of April 2022.

  • Inter-faculty and inter-university agreements in Summer semester 2022/23

    Are you planning to spend the Summer semester 2022/23 abroad? You can apply for inter-faculty and inter-university agreements from 4 to 30 April 2022.  

  • Water supply failure: Teaching at ISS, IPS and IMS in Pekařská is online today

    Due to a failure of the water supply lines in Líšnická Street in Prague 13, in-person education at the Institute of International Studies, Institute of Political Studies and Institute of Sociological studies is carried online today, March 30, 2022. ️ ️The situation tomorrow is still uncertain. Therefore, follow information at the institute level and check your e-mail boxes.

  • Tomáš Havránek received the professorial decree

    At the end of last year, the President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman appointed eighty new university professors. Yesterday, on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, the new professors received the decrees. The Faculty of Social Sciences has one new professor: Tomáš Havránek from the Institute of Economic Studies received the professorial decree in the field of Economic Theory.

  • Spectre Haunting Academia: Doctoral conference in Heidelberg

    HGGS is organizing a one day conference for doctoral candidates and final-semester Master students on the topic "The Spectre Haunting Academia: Understanding the Role of Academia in the Rise of the Far-Right". The one-day conference will take place at Heidelberg University at the end of June. Deadline for abstracts is 15 May 2022.