Over 400 international students attended the Welcome Party on Střelecký Island

Over 400 international students attended the Welcome Party on Střelecký Island
Four hundred students from Europe and around the world. Roughly so many came to the Welcome Party on Střelecký Island, organized for both the exchange and degree students by the International Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. After a long time, the university students met offline again.
From all Charles University faculties, FSV UK hosts the most foreign students. As part of Erasmus and exchange stays, most students come from Germany, France, Spain, the Benelux countries, and the United Kingdom: a total of 400 people in the winter semester this year. International bachelor's or master's degree programs taught in English involve students from all over the world. Traditionally, most Americans are among the freshmen, this year we are enjoying a large increase in students from Europe, especially from Italy, the Netherlands, and France. A very important group also consists of students from the Czech Republic. More than 1,000 students are now enrolled in English-taught study programs.
Photo credit: Iva Kozáková