Practice a foreign langugage with your peers! Register to the one-semester course Tandem Langugages JLB 116, in which students of two different languages work with each other and help each other achieve a specific language goal. Registrations are now open!
The Language Centre invites you to a simulated press conference on the occassion of the launch of "Arnoštova cesta" (Arnošt's Journey) picture book. The guest will be Arnošt Lustig’s daughter Eva Lustigová. The event will take place in the room 215 at Hollar on 25 March 2024 from 5 pm. It will be held in English, French, and Czech, and moderated & interpreted by the Language Centre students.
The Language Centre invites both the faculty students and staff to a discussion with Eva Lustigová, daughter of renowned Czech Jewish writer Arnošt Lustig about the launch of the biographical graphic novel Arnoštova cesta, about vigorously fostering her father’s legacy through the Arnošt Lustig Foundation, and about her work for the World Health Organization of the United Nations. The event takes place on 7 March 2024 at 5 pm at Hollar, room 215.
FSV UK Language Centre offers to the FSV UK academic staff and doctoral students consultations on their writing in English.
Practice a foreign langugage with your peers! Register to the one-semester course Tandem Langugages, in which students of two different languages work with each other and help each other achieve a specific language goal. Registrations are now open!
The FSV UK Language Centre organizes the Summer School of Czech language for complete and false beginners, which takes place from 4 to 15 September at Opletalova 26. The price is 130 EUR and you can receive 2 ECTS credits.