New Rules for Organization of Studies at FSV UK


New Rules for Organization of Studies at FSV UK

After the first week of teaching, enrolling and orientation, I would like to welcome you to the academic year of 2020/2021. Even though it might seem there are only non-standard situations during these pandemic times, there are also the standard ones. New Rules for Organization of Studies are one such case and they apply starting this academic year. Both for newcomers and higher-year students, it holds that knowing these Rules is certainly recommended as it could prevent an unpleasant and/or complicated situation in the future. In these new Rules, we have focused mainly on simplification of processes and clearing out inconsistencies. Here we list the most important changes for students:

  • Reduction of credits necessary for entering the next year of studies for the last years of studies (§4).
  • Less signatures for standard forms. Please always use the most up-to-date forms
  • You can de-enrol from a course only up till the sixth week of the semester (§5).
  •  Block-courses are specified together with connected terms and deadlines (§6).
  • The terms for dissertation projects have been transferred to the leaders of seminars for dissertations (§12).

Please commit these few tens of minutes to the new Rules and familiarize yourself with them. I will stay in contact with you in the coming days and weeks.

With best wishes,

prof. PhDr. Ladislav Krištoufek,

Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Student Affairs