CfP: Public History: Institutions, Actors, and Practices

CfP: Public History: Institutions, Actors, and Practices
The peer-reviewed academic journal Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia – published on behalf of the Institute of International Studies FSV UK – invites authors to submit articles for its 2019 special issue on Public History: Institutions, Actors, and Practices.
The present call aims to solicit original contributions highlighting the broad empirical variety of public history as a specific socio-cultural phenomenon in North America, Europe, and post-Soviet Eurasia. Suggested subtopics include: preserving the past and the lieux de mémoire; exhibiting and visualizing the past; teaching history; intersections between private and public histories; reconstructions of historical events; public history in the digital age; public history-making, history wars, weaponizing history; as well as methods and approaches to the study of public history.
Abstract submission deadline: 31st May 2019.
Article submission deadline: 31st August 2019.