Building A of the Jinonice Campus opens on 13 December 2023

Building A of the Jinonice Campus opens on 13 December 2023
We would like to inform you with pleasure that this Wednesday, December 13, we are opening building A in the Jinonice Campus, i.e. the extension, which is also the entrance to the entire faculty complex.
The most important part of building A is the new faculty library. It will offer more than 40,000 volumes to choose from. In the library, you will find individual study rooms, team study rooms, a night study room or a relaxation zone. Self-service facilities for borrowing and returning books (self-check), desktop computers and a snack corner are at your disposal. You can also use the self-service copy centres on the 1st and 3rd floors.
The UKafé bistro, which we will open in the new year, is located in the foyer of building A.