Life at Faculty

Life at Faculty

Student life is not only studying at a library or your dorm and attending lectures and seminars! There is a whole bunch of stuff students do together in their free time - social, cultural, political or sport events, trips, parties...and much more! There is nothing easier than just join and enjoy the life at FSV UK!


  • Guest lecture: Europe, Interdependence & Vulnerability

    On May 29th, the Peace Research Centre Prague and the Institute of Political Studies will welcome a leading U.S. scholar Professor Abraham Newman from Georgetown University to discuss the changes and challenges of the increasing use of economics as a tool in geopolitical contests among major powers. The event will take place at Jinonice Campus (U Kříže 611/8) in room B103B.

  • Statement of the FSV UK student ombuds(wo)men on the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

    We bring you the statement of the FSV UK institutes’ ombudswomen and ombudsman on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

  • The Summer School of Czech Language

    The FSV UK Language Centre organizes the Summer School of Czech language for complete and false beginners, which takes place from 4 to 15 September at Opletalova 26. The price is 130 EUR and you can receive 2 ECTS credits.

  • June party for FSV UK employees

    The Faculty of Social Sciences organizes a June party for employees, which will take place on Friday, June 2, 2023, from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on the premises of the Start Sports Club on Střelecký ostrov (Střelecký ostrov 336, 11000 Prague 1). We cordially invite all FSV UK employess with their families.

  • Power outages in Jinonice

    On Wednesday 10 May 2023, emergency lighting and modifications to other systems will be carried out in the Jinonice Campus. There will be short-term power outages during the day. We apologize for any complications and thank you for your understanding.

  • Czech Cancer Awareness Day

    FSV UK libraries will participate in the Czech Cancer Awareness Day this year. The sale of flowers in Jinonice and Opletalova buildings will take place on May 11 and 12, 2023. The minimum contribution for one flower is CZK 20. Donations can also be made via donor SMS.