Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility: Student for Studies

ERASMUS+ International Credit Mobility (E+ ICM) is a programme within the Erasmus+ framework promoting the exchange of students, academics, and non-academic staff with partner countries of the ERASMUS+ program (i.e. mostly non-EU and non-EFTA countries and non-candidate countries of the EU).

Mobilities are realized via specific projects with partner universities, the period of implementation is usually 3 years. Projects are submitted in a yearly call in February and the results are usually announced in following August.

General information can be found herestudents happy travel

Academic Year 2025/2026

The nomination process for the summer semester 2025/2026 is open.

Factsheet 2025/2026


Project 2024 - until 31st July 2027

Chile - Pontifica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - Institute of International Studies (zero grant)

Albania - Epoka University - Institute of Economic Studies

Projects 2023 - until 31st July 2026

Kazakhstan - al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Institute of International Studies

Projects 2022 - until 31st July 2025

(1st possible mobility in autumn term 2023/2024 - last possible mobility in summer term 2024/2025)

Bosnia and Hercegovina - University of Sarajevo - Institute of International Studies

Albania - University of Tirana - Institute of International Studies

Montenegro - University of Montenegro, Podgorica - Institute of International Studies


Financial Conditions:

  • The financial support is composed of two parts, grant for living expenses (accommodation and other living costs) and travel allowance supporting the travel expenses.

Grant for Living Expenses:

  • Incoming Students: 800 EUR/month
  • Outgoing Students: 700 EUR/month

Travel Allowance:

  • The amount depends on the distance between the home institution and the host institution.
  • To calculate the distance, use the official distance calculator.

NOTE: The financial support (grant for living expenses) may be provided only when incoming students enter the territory of the Czech Republic. The amount of scholarship depends on the start date and the end date of the on-site mobility. 

 Travel Distance        

    Travel Allowance 

10  –  99 km

    20 EUR per participant

100 – 499 km

  180 EUR per participant

500 – 1999 km

  275 EUR per participant

2000 – 2999 km

  360 EUR per participant

3000 – 3999 km

  530 EUR per participant

4000 – 7999 km

  820 EUR per participant

over 8000 km

1500 EUR per participant

Nomination process: Required documents for Incoming Students

  • Transcript of Records (from BA or MA studies) - total average grade highlighted 
  • CV in English 
  • Motivation letter in English 
  • Confirmation of English language ability at a level B2 (International language certificate or an official confirmation from your university language department)
  • Passport copy
  • Study plan (list of preferred classes)
  • Information for Issuing the Grant Agreement (form here)

Nomination Process

  1. Follow the nomination process at your home university (sending institution).  
  2. After your nomination is approved, your home university coordinator sends all your relevant documents (i.e., Application form, Transcript of Records, CV, Motivation letter, Confirmation of English language, and Passport Copy) to the FSV International Office, Charles University (receiving institution). 
  3. The FSV UK International Office coordinator sends all the above-mentioned documents to the receiving institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences and officially nominates all candidates. 

Students nominated by their home university may be rejected by the FSV UK Institutes if they do not fulfill their requirements.

  1. After the nomination is confirmed, the FSV UK International Office coordinator sends to you an invitation email and asks you to fill in: 
    1. Application Form & Learning Agreement with a list of preferred classes. You are sent a link to an online platform of Charles University, in which you are asked to fill in these documents. When you finalize it, please, print it and let it be signed by the International Office coordinator of your home university. Send it to the FSV UK International Office as the last step. 
    2. Learning Agreement (part of the application form) - Students can enrol in courses in total of 30 ECTS. Under this link, you will find a list of courses available for incoming students.
  2. All the above-mentioned documents are passed on by the FSV UK International office to the European Office of Charles University. 
  3. The European Office prepares not only all hard copies necessary for your visa application but also a Grant Agreement stating the financial support depending on the length of your stay and the distance between both universities. 
  4. The European Office of Charles University sends you an official acceptance email and informs you about when all hard copies necessary for your visa application were sent to your correspondence address. 
  5. When you receive the hard copies (i.e., an official Acceptance letter in Czech/English, a housing contract, etc.), you may apply for a long-stay visa for the purpose of study / a long-term residence permit at a relevant embassy or consulate of the Czech Republic.

After Arrival

  1. The FSV UK International Office coordinator asks you to come personally in order to sign a Confirmation of Arrival. 
  2. The European Office of Charles University contacts you to sign the Grant Agreement.  
  3. When the Grant Agreement is signed, you may pick up the scholarship. The payment of the Erasmus financial support currently works in cooperation with a partner bank of our university (Komerční banka a.s.). You will receive 70% of the money in cash or the scholarship will be sent via a bank transfer to your account (preferably EUR currency account) after presenting your passport to the cashier of any branch of Komerční banka in the Czech Republic.
  4. If you change your courses during the add/drop period at the receiving institution, please, consult those changes with your guarantor of the study program. After the add/drop period, fill in the section Changes to Learning Agreement which is a part of the Learning Agreement form. Confirm it by the International office coordinator at the receiving institution, and send it to the FSV UK International office for a final signature.  
  5. Ca 30 days before the end of the semester you will receive the EU Online Survey from the European Office of Charles University. 
  6. Before your departure, ask the FSV UK International office to fill in and sign the Confirmation of Stay. Please, be aware that the dates of your stay should be the same as the dates in the Grant Agreement. The hard copy must be sent to the European Office of Charles University Rectorate (
  7. Request the FSV UK International Office to provide you with a hard copy of the Transcript of records which may be sent to your home university, as well.


International Office, FSV UK:

contact point for incoming students: Ms Barbora Stará,

contact point for calls and projects: Ms Veronika Šilhová,  


European Office, Rectorate: Mr. Denis Žernov,