Digital Social Science

Digital Social Science

Form of study: full-time and combined 
Type of study:


Standard length of study: 4 years

Digital Social Science is focused on social phenomena that are largely manifested in the online environment. Their study requires an interdisciplinary structure of competences and appropriate data-analytical methodological training. It is a unique interdisciplinary and inter-institutional doctoral program that offers a modern and effective way of addressing the complex problems of contemporary society.


Information about graduate employment

The graduates of the Digital Social Science Program are equipped to handle data analytical tasks involving shifting and complex digital phenomena that evolve in online environments. Their training is interdisciplinary, including security, digital technologies, law and human values, which allows them to rapidly understand new digital issues and suggest highly effective solutions to challenges arising from large social and political changes. The structure of competencies makes the graduates ideal candidates for basic research as well as for policy making roles involving online environments and digital technologies.