In the next academic year 2023/2024, the Foundation "Endowment of Josef, Marie and Zdeňka Hlávka" will provide partial reimbursement of the dormitory fees at Hlávka Dormitory for students in a difficult financial situation who achieve excellent academic or scientific results.
The Institute of International Studies launches their new research centre entitled Ukraine in a Changing Europe, which will be led by Dr. Valeria Korablyova, a member of the Department of Russian and East European Studies. Public events dedicated to the launch will take place on Monday, 20 February at Pekařská 16 and in Scout Institute, Staroměstské náměstí 1/4.
The catastrophic earthquake that hit Syria and Turkey on February 6th also affects our students from these countries. We think of them and try to help as much as we can: students who find themselves in a difficult situation as a result of the catastrophe can apply for the bursary for students in acute difficulties or faculty scholarships.
All students and lecturers are welcome to join an online meeting with the Dean Tomáš Karásek via Zoom on 9 February at 5:00 p.m. During the ZOOM meeting, the Dean will answer questions about the planned moving to the Jinonice campus, the faculty's plans for 2023 and other matters that interest you.
The call for the SYLFF scholarship program of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research (TKFD) for 2023 has been announced. The offer is intended for students of doctoral programs in the social sciences or humanities and provides financial support in the amount of CZK 270,000 per year for up to two years for the preparation of a dissertation and other research activities. The deadline is April 29, 2023.
This semester, you can enrol in a new course on effective communication skills organized by the Language Centre. It will be taught in English and run in two days: 10th March and 24th March from 9:30 am to 1:50 pm at Opletalova. The lecturer is Mgr. Jaroslava Přerovská.