Winter holidays message by the FSV UK Dean Tomáš Karásek

Winter holidays message by the FSV UK Dean Tomáš Karásek
Dear students,
Dear colleagues,
I am addressing you with best wishes for the upcoming festive season. Unfortunately, since last December, this period has been marked by the tragic events at the Faculty of Arts.
During the past year, we have tried to transform the shock that the university suffered into the most effective enhancement of security at the faculty.
All relevant security procedures have undergone a thorough review, and their functionality has been repeatedly tested. Reception staff in all faculty buildings have undergone security training. We have an emergency information and warning system in place. Last but not least, selected rooms have been identified as safe havens in the event of a security incident and will be adequately technologically equipped.
Despite all the measures mentioned, I believe the most important thing we can learn from last year's tragedy is a feeling of solidarity with other members of our academic community and a readiness to come to their aid.
I therefore believe that, in addition to mourning the lives unnecessarily lost, the coming period can also be an opportunity to reflect on what is most important in our lives.
With this hope, I wish you merry and peaceful winter holidays and all the best for the new year.
PhDr. JUDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.