Two publications from FSV UK succeeded in the Charles University competition of high-quality monographs


Two publications from FSV UK succeeded in the Charles University competition of high-quality monographs

Charles University has published the results of this year's round of the high-quality monograph competition (2022 submission year).

FSV UK has two publication on the list:

  • 9th - 10th place - The Rise and Decline of Communist Czechoslovakia's Railway Sector (Central European University Press, 2022) by Tomáš Nigrin from the Institute of International Studies
  • 11th - 14th place - Anatomy of Communism: The True Story of One Family (Karolinum, 2022) by Martin Potůček from the Institute of Sociological Studies

The main goal of the competition is to support authors of high-quality monographs and their faculties or other university components. Nominated monographs are evaluated by two commissions appointed by the CU Science Council, namely the Commission for Humanities and Social Sciences and the Commission for Medical and Natural Sciences.The evaluation clearly sets the standards and the level of difficulty for individual types of publications that claim to be considered key in their scientific fields.

Congratulations to the winners!