Online spring semester 2021

Online spring semester 2021

Online spring semester 2021

Because of the unpredictability of the current situation, all study obligations in Spring Semester 2021 must (and will) be fully fulfillable without the need of a physical presence. Teaching and fulfilment of the subject can be realised in either a purely contactless or a hybrid form. The form of implementation is determined before the beginning of the semester and it does not change during the semester.

Contactless teaching: Only a live lecture via Meet/Zoom/Teams, or a YouTube stream at a time according to the schedule, or a recorded commented lecture are considered a full-fledged replacement. Login information, passwords, and links to the contactless teaching according to the previous point must be available on the subject page in SIS well in advance (in the case of live lectures at the beginning of the teaching week at the latest).

Hybrid form of teaching means contactless teaching for all students at the time of restrictive regulations and measures of state authorities (in general level 3 and higher of so called "PES" system). Contact (face-to-face) teaching with the provision of the possibility of contactless participation in teaching at the time of less restrictive regulations and measures of state authorities and in compliance with actual hygienic and epidemiological standards and measures.

Our primary goal is to secure continuity and quality education to all our students.

A detailed FAQ about online teaching can be found here