4EU+ minigrants for 2023

4EU+ minigrants for 2023
Aliance 4EU+ is a partnership of seven European universities: Heidelberg Universität, Sorbonne Université, University of Copenhagen, Université de Genève Università degli Studi di Milano, University of Warsaw and Charles University. The mission of the alliance is to achieve top quality in the areas of research, teaching, education and supporting administration and to create a suitable platform to ensure the free movement of students, academic and administrative staff and ideas, as well as to share infrastructures.
Charles University supports research collaboration within the 4EU+ Alliance by so-called mini-grants.
Academic staff developing cooperation with colleagues at partner institutions can apply for support in the maximum amount of CZK 300,000 intended for the development of research projects and initiatives in the field of research-based education (preparation of a project proposal, organization of a conference/workshop, travel costs for team meetings, exchange support of doctoral students or postdocs, short-term internships, administrative assistance, etc.).
In parallel, a call for 4EU+ student mini-grants is open with a maximum possible amount of funding of CZK 150,000.
All the students interested in the mini-grants are welcome to attend an online webinar on 19 December 11:00 a.m., where you they have the chance to learn about the experience of students who developped projects in 2022 and ask any questions they might have for the project teams and the 4EU+ local office.
Application deadline is on 6 January 2023.
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