Life at Faculty

Life at Faculty

Student life is not only studying at a library or your dorm and attending lectures and seminars! There is a whole bunch of stuff students do together in their free time - social, cultural, political or sport events, trips, parties...and much more! There is nothing easier than just join and enjoy the life at FSV UK!


  • Temporary error in SIS solved

    During the courses registration, a technical error occurred for Master's students. The error is now resolved. If you experienced this error, you need to log out and log in again to make SIS operational for you.

  • Virtual courses of 4EU+ universities

    We would like to draw your attention to the offer of 4EU+ shared courses for UK students, which take place in the form of virtual mobility. These courses cover a wide range of topics, allowing students to discover new perspectives and collaborate with students from partner institutions.

  • Mental Health Day on 10 October

    October 10th is International Mental Health Day, in which the Faculty of Social Sciences will also participate! The program will take place in the foyer of the Jinonice Campus. You can look forward to breakfast, canistherapy and creative activities. All students and employees are welcome! The event is organized by the FSV UK Well-being Working Group.

  • Applications for Student Grants for the Winter Semester 2023

    The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, announces the deadline for submitting applications for student grants for the winter semester of 2023. The deadline for applications is 10th of October at 23:59. The actual presentation will take place on 13th of October at 17:00.

  • Autumn round of Mobility Fund applications opens on 18 September

    The International Office announces the autumn round of applications for a grant from the Charles University Mobility Fund. In the autumn round, you can apply for mobilities which should take place approximately from January to June. The application will be open from 18 September 2023 until 17 October 2023, 4 p.m. 

  • Valeria Korablyova: War in Ukraine challenges the entire mindset of Europeans

    How will the war in Ukraine influence Europe? Are we going to see some new precedents in geopolitical issues? And will the war set any new trends in social sciences? In this special episode we met with Valeria Korablyova, head of the research center Ukraine in Changing Europe at the Institute of International Studies at FSV UK.