Ing. Zuzana Kotherová, Ph.D.
Ing. Zuzana Kotherová, Ph.D.

- Department of Public and Social Policy
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 778 464 946 , +420 267 224 229
Rooms: No. C228, Jinonice, building C
Scopus Author ID: 56766273000
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1214-9879
Rok vydání
- Šámalová K., Vojtíšek P., Aresta V., Máchová L., Dohnalová E., Hulmáková J., Průšová L., Schreilová K., Vitásková L., Dobiášová K., Koldinská K., Korych M., Urban D., Kotherová Z., Lang R., Rákosník J., Tomšej J., & Zajacová M. (2021). Sociální správa: organizace a řízení sociálních systémů. Grada.
Chapters in monographs
- Kotherová Z., & Dobiášová K. (2021). Správa ochrany individuálního zdraví. Sociální správa : organizace a řízení sociálních systémů (pp. 165-183).
- Kotherová Z., & Perottino M. (2022). Covid-19 du meilleur au pire : la gestion de crise a la tchèque. L’Europe centrale face à la pandémie de Covid-19 (pp. 151-163).
- Kotherová Z., & Perottino M. (2024). Expert, experts et expertise pendant la crise de la COVID-19 – le cas tchèque. Comparing the place of experts during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic (pp. 387-420).
- Pavlík M., & Kotherová Z. (2020). Czech Healthcare: Its Past, Present and Future Challenges. Health Reforms Across the World : The Experience of Twelve Small and Medium-sized Nations with Changing Their Healthcare Systems (pp. 187-203).
- Kotherová Z., Caithamlová M., Nemec J., & Dolejšová K. (2021). The Use of Diagnosis-Related Group-Based Reimbursement in the Czech Hospital Care System. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
- Kotherová Z., Hasmanová Marhánková J., & Numerato D. (2024). (Ne)důvěra v očkování v ČR pohledem zdravotníků a váhavých rodičů. Vox Pediatriae, 24(2), 11-17.
- Dobiášová K., Kotherová Z., & Numerato D. (2021). Institutional reforms to strengthen patient and public involvement in the Czech Republic since 2014. Health Policy, 125(5), 582-586. UT-WOS link
- Kovács R., Kotherová Z., & Ochrana F. (2022). Diabetes mellitus (un)met care in the Czech Republic in the covid-19 pandemic (economic data analyses by Czech health insurance companies from 2016 until 2020). Socioekonomické a humanitní studie, 15(1), 27-48.
- Hasmanová Marhánková J., Kotherová Z., & Numerato D. (2024). Navigating vaccine hesitancy: Strategies and dynamics in healthcare professional-parent communication. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 20(1), UT-WOS link
- Němec J., Kubák M., Donin G., & Kotherová Z. (2021). Efficiency of Public Procurement in the Czech and Slovak Health Care Sectors. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, neuveden(62E), 115-133. UT-WOS link
- Burau V., Buch Mejsner S., Falkenbach M., Fehsenfeld M., Kotherová Z., Neri S., Wallenburg I., & Kuhlmann E. (2024). Post-COVID health policy responses to healthcare workforce capacities: a comparative analysis of health system resilience in six European countries. Health Policy, 139(January), UT-WOS link
- Vuolanto P., Almeida A., Anderson A., Auvinen P., Beja A., Bracke P., Cardano M., Ceuterick M., Correia T., De Vito E., Delaruelle K., Delicado A., Esposito M., Ferrara M., Gariglio L., Guerreiro C., Hasmanová Marhánková J., Hilario A., Hobson-west P., Iorio J., Järvinen K., Koivu A., Kotherová Z., Kuusipalo A., Lermytte E., Mendonca J., Morais R., Numerato D., Polak P., Rudek T., Sbaragli S., Scavarda A., Silva K., Da Silva P., Sivela J., Soares Moura E., Swiatkiewicz-Mosny M., Tipaldo G., & Wagner A. (2024). Trust matters: The Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy in Europe Study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 52(3), 379-390. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
Public economics (in Czech)
Health Policy (in Czech and in English)
Financialised Societies: An Economic Perspective (in English)
Comparative Health Systems
Comparative Health Policy
Comparative Primary Care
Role fo Health Care Workers
Actors in Health Policy
Vaccination Policy, antivax, vaccine hesitancy
Comparative Healthcare systems
Comparative health policy
Comparative Primary care
Healthcare systems
Vaccination policy
Actors in healthcare system