The second issue of Acta Politologica has been published

image of a magazine with Acta Politologica logo

The second issue of Acta Politologica has been published

The second issue of Acta Politologica, the journal of the Department of Political Science, Institute of Political Studies, has been published!

There are four articles in this issue, the first one you can read in English:

Pedro Mendonça: Groundwork for a New Theory of Democracy and Protectionism
Milan Školník: Korupce v České republice – dosavadní stav bádání (Corruption in the Czech Republic – the State of the Discipline)
Jaroslav Bílek: Za jakých okolností plní (vládní) politické strany své sliby: Přehled stavu poznání (Under what circumstances (governmental) political parties keep their promises: Overview of the state of art)
Matouš Mencl, Pavel Dufek: Ideální konsenzus, reálná diverzita a výzva veřejného ospravedlnění: k limitům idealizace v liberální politické teorii (Ideal Consensus, Real Diversity, and the Challenge of Public Justification: On the Limits of Idealisation in Liberal Political Theory)

You can read the articles either on the Acta Politologica website, or on Academia or LinkedIn.