Announcement of the results of the Read with FSV UK employee challenge

Announcement of the results of the Read with FSV UK employee challenge
From November 2024 to January 2025, our faculty held the employee challenge Read with FSV UK. During this time, our employees had the opportunity to read books across 10 categories that are thematically related to our faculty and its institutes and centres. A total of 23 employees participated in the Read with FSV UK challenge.
Everyone who has read at least one book from 6 different categories has completed the challenge and will receive a small reward. A total of 10 employees of FSV UK have managed to complete the challenge. First place went to Markéta Šmídová with 9 books read, second place to Doubravka Olšáková, who managed to complete 8 categories, and third place went to Barbora Stará and Nikola Havlová with 7 books read. Congratulations to everyone who has managed to complete the challenge!
The participants read the most books from the categories A book by a foreign author, A reportage book and A book on the topic of interpersonal relations. We also had several repeat authors, with Sally Rooney becoming the most read. People also read books by FSV UK authors, specifically by Petr Janský, Michael Romancov and David Klimeš. We are glad that employees were inspired both by book recommendations from colleagues and by the books others were reading.
Whether you participated in the challenge or not, we would be happy if you filled out our feedback form. You can also share tips for other employee challenges with us.