Life at Faculty

Life at Faculty

Student life is not only studying at a library or your dorm and attending lectures and seminars! There is a whole bunch of stuff students do together in their free time - social, cultural, political or sport events, trips, parties...and much more! There is nothing easier than just join and enjoy the life at FSV UK!


  • Media awards for 2023

    The Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University awarded four academics and one student project for their media output in 2023. They were nominated for the media award by their institute based on the quantity and quality of media output.

  • Former Prime Minister of Italy Enrico Letta debated at FSV UK

    Enrico Letta, the former Prime Minister of Italy and the current president of the think tank Jacques Delors Institute, visited Prague last week. The official visit also included an academic debate on the future of the EU internal market at FSV UK. FSV UK Dean Tomáš Karásek, Martin Mejstřík from IMS FSV UK and Petr Janský from IES FSV UK took part in the discussion.

  • Registration for elections for the position of student ombudspeople

    Become the new student ombudsperson and contribute to improving the environment at our faculty. Don't miss this opportunity and submit your application between February 1 and February 26, 2024. The actual elections for student ombudspersons will take place online on March 4-5, 2024.

  • Applications for student grants for the Summer Semester 2024

    The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, announces the deadline for submitting applications for student grants for the summer semester of 2024. The deadline for applications is 15th of February at 23:59. The actual presentation will take place on 19th of February at 17:00.

  • Call for 4EU+ minigrants is open

    The deadline for submitting project proposals for student mini-grants within the 4EU+ alliance has been announced. In 2024, it is possible to apply for project support up to a maximum amount of 150,000 CZK. An informational webinar is planned for those interested in 4EU+ student mini-grants on February 6 from 5:00 p.m. CET.

  • Courses related to social science aspects of environmental protection

    Within the study programme of Public and Social Policy, the teaching of courses related to the social science aspects of environmental protection, including the social impacts of environmental policies, will start in full from the summer semester of 2024. This is made possible by a newly obtained grant financed by the National Recovery Plan through the State Environmental Fund. Students outside the study programme can also enroll in those courses.