Life at Faculty

Life at Faculty

Student life is not only studying at a library or your dorm and attending lectures and seminars! There is a whole bunch of stuff students do together in their free time - social, cultural, political or sport events, trips, parties...and much more! There is nothing easier than just join and enjoy the life at FSV UK!


  • Online mobility fair 2022

    Are you thinking about studying abroad? Explore exchange options at FSV UK, meet study abroad alumni and learn how scholarships work at our online mobility fair held on Zoom on 10 October at 3:30 p.m. 

  • Black Light: Filip Láb's exhibition

    We cordially invite you to the opening of Filip Láb's exhibition Black Light, which takes place on 3 October from 5.m. in Gallery Hollar. The exhibition will be open from 3 to 9 September.

  • Erasmus Days at Hollar

    Come and celebrate Erasmus Days with us! You can look forward to a swap, charity book fair, creative workshop, talk about sustainable mobility and more!

  • Tandem Languages course

    Tandem Languages is a one-semester course especially designed for FSV students, both Czech and international. You can now register for the course in the Winter semester.

  • Become a buddy and help international students

    As a Buddy, you are a great help to students coming to Czechia for the first time and at the same time you have a unique opportunity to meet students from all over the world and improve your language skills.

  • Scholarships for study stays in Germany and Austria

    Are you interested in studying in German-speaking countries? Take advantage of the opportunity to apply for the CEEPUS, DAAD and AKTION programs starting in the academic year 2022/23 or in the next academic year. During October, webinars will be held on these programs, where you will learn more detailed information.