Rules for Organizing Student Events

Rules for Organizing Student Events

Rules for reporting and approving events in FSV UK buildings, including the organisation of student events, are established in the Directive S_OVVK_005, which you can find here.

The obligation to report and approve applies to student events in FSV UK buildings and events held outside the regular operating hours of FSV UK buildings:

  • organised by student clubs, student initiatives, and individual students of FSV UK who organise events for students outside the club/initiative itself, for the wider academic community or the general public
  • internal events of student initiatives, if the initiative is new or if there has been a change in the nature of the initiative (especially in terms of the content of the programme and a significant change in the number of participants - members of the student initiative)
  • organised by student clubs, student initiatives, and individual students of other faculties of Charles University or other universities
  • organised by student clubs, student initiatives, and individual students of FSV UK who use financial or material support from an external entity (i.e. support from outside the units of the Faculty and University) to organise the event
  • all events that are to take place outside the regular operating hours of the FSV UK buildings

When in doubt about the obligation to report or approve an event under this Directive, it is advisable to contact Public Affairs and Communications Office at


Before submitting an application, it is recommended to consult the availability of the premises on the requested date with the head of BMO, who will handle the reservation of premises with the primary users if necessary.

The applicant will complete the electronic form of Application for Event Permission, which will include the requested information.

Once completed, the electronic application form is automatically delivered to the e-mail contact of the applicant, who will

  • save it in PDF format and email it to to the head of BMO (if the application file is not sent from the student's or employee's personal faculty’s email address, the application must include an electronic or scanned signature)
  • or print it out, sign it, and deliver it in this form to the Post Room in the Hollar building (Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1) to the head of BMO.

The head of BMO will inform the applicant of the outcome.


  • Student events can only be held outside the regular operating hours of FSV UK buildings provided that BMO will ensure the availability of staff responsible for granting access to the building and providing basic supervision.
  • Student events will not result in significantly increased costs to the Faculty. Costs beyond the regular operation of the Faculty (e.g. extra cleaning, event supervision) are borne by the event organisers through the applicant.
  • The condition for holding the event is that no damage or pollution to the building occurs, nor any unlawful conduct during the event (conduct in violation of the laws of the Czech Republic or the internal regulations of Charles University and FSV UK) or conduct contrary to good morals.
  • The student event takes place only within the scope of the approved application, including the designated premises in the building. Events not respecting the requirements outlined in this Directive may be terminated by the Faculty.
  • In the event of a violation of the rules for holding a student event, especially as a result of a violation of applicable Czech legislation during the event, as well as internal regulations of Charles University and FSV UK, or disturbance of the night peace, the authorised FSV UK staff member may terminate the event.
  • Repeated failure to comply with the rules may result in restrictions on student events held in FSV UK buildings.
  • The Faculty reserves the right to suspend an approved application for a student event if technical, organisational, security, or other reasonable obstacles arise on the part of the Faculty. 

Rights and obligations of the applicant

  • The applicant holds the right to use the designated premises and property of FSV UK after approval of the application in accordance with this Directive, and only within the approved scope and timeframe.
  • Once the application for a student event has been approved, the applicant may request support from PACO for the promotion of the event, the IT department for the technical aspects of the event, BMO for the spatial arrangement of the event, or the Security Coordinator for security measures. The extent of this support is determined by PACO, the IT department, BMO, and the Security Coordinator.The applicant is fully responsible for maintaining order, ensuring safety, and the proper conduct of the event.
  • The applicant is obliged to remain on site until the end of the student event and hand over the secured, empty and tidy premises to an authorised FSV UK staff member via the reception desk. The building must be fully operational, tidy, and free of any signs of the event by 7:30am on the next working day.
  • The applicant is obliged to observe the instructions of the authorised FSV UK staff member.