Orientation Week
Academic Year 2024/2025
Prior to your arrival
28/01 at 2 PM CET |
1st Online Pre-Arrival Meeting - practical information (Dormitories, Public Transport, Registration at the Foreign Police, Online Enrollment) - attendance is highly recommended |
in Teams |
29 - 30/01 | Online Enrolment in the Charles University Authentification Service | |
30/01 at 2 PM CET |
Online Pre-Arrival Meeting - social activities (Student life, ESN, Intern's plans, Students Clubs, Activities of Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Exchange Students Alumni) |
in Teams |
04/02 at 2 PM CET |
2nd Online Pre-Arrival Meeting - academic information (Online Course Registration, Language Courses, Sport Courses, Academic Rules, Orientation Day and Welcome Week) - attendance highly recommended |
in Teams |
06/02 at 11 AM CET | Online Course Registration in Student Information System | SIS |
06/02 at 1 PM CET | Online Q&A with International Office | in Teams |
After your arrival - Welcome week
When | What | Where |
10/02 - 23/02 | ESN events | Online Registration available from 03/02 |
10/02 at 10:00 | Orientation Day (watch the video to see how our OD looks like) |
Campus Jinonice, Prague 5 Room C117 |
11/02 | Issuance of Confirmation of Arrival - please, check your email to find your time spot |
Hollar building, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1 Room 014 |
10/02 - 13/02 | Issuance of Student Card (ISIC or CU student card) - please, check your email to find your time spot | UK POINT, Prague 1 |
11/02 at 14:30 |
Culture shock workshop |
Campus Jinonice, Prague 5 Room C322 |
12/02 at 10:30 | Czech Language Crash Course
- lecture by Kristina Pellarová - sign up sheet |
Campus Jinonice, Prague 5 Room C117 |
12/02 at 14:00 |
Scavenger Hunt (watch the video to see our students in action)
Outside the Hollar building, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1 |
13/02 at 10:30 |
Moments Shaping Modern Czech History - lecture by Dr. Jan Hornát |
Campus Jinonice, Prague 5 Room B103a |
14/02 at 10:30 |
- workshop by Dr. Lenka Šťastná |
Voršilská building, Voršilska 1, Prague 1 Chapel on the 5th floor |
19/02 at 18:00 |
Meet Your Friend - informal event organized by ESN |
Klub Celetná, Celetná 20, Prague 1 |
Academic Year 2024/2025
Prior to your arrival
09/09 at 2 PM |
1st Online Pre-Arrival Meeting - practical information (Dormitory, Public Transport, Registration at the Foreign Police, Online Enrollment) - attendance highly recommended |
in Teams |
10 -11/09 | Online Enrolment in the Charles University Authentification Service | |
12/09 at 10 AM |
Online Pre-Arrival Meeting - social activities (ESN, Intern's plans, Students Clubs, Activities of Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Exchange Students Alumni) |
in Teams |
13/09 at 10 AM |
2nd Online Pre-Arrival Meeting - academic information (Online Course Registration, Language Courses, Sport Courses, Academic Rules, Orientation Day and Welcome Week) - attendance highly recommended |
in Teams |
19/09 at 11 AM | Online Course Registration in Student Information System | SIS |
19/09 at 1 PM | Online Q&A with International Office | in Teams |
After your arrival - WELCOME WEEK
When | What | Where |
23/09 - 6/10 | ESN events | Online Registration |
23/09 at 10:00 | Orientation Day (watch the video to see how our OD looks like) |
Faculty of Law, Prague 1 |
23/09 - 24/09 | Issuance of Confirmation of Arrival - please, check your email to find your time spot | Hollar building, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1 |
23/09 - 26/09 | Issuance of Student Card (ISIC or CU student card) - please, check your email to find your time spot here | UK POINT, Celetná 13, Prague 1 |
23/09 at 4:30 PM |
MindRun (run/walk + mindfullness excercise) - a run/walk through park, divided in groups according to distance and difficulty, - organized by students from the International Student Team of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |
We start at Hollar building, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1 |
24/09 at 10:00 - 12:30 AM |
Intercultural workshop, mental health and wellbeing - by Psychological Therapist Mrs Anna-Marie Pospíšilová |
Campus Jinonice, Prague 5 room B103A |
24/09 at 3:00 - 5:30 PM |
Culture shock workshop, mental health and wellbeing - by Psychological Therapist Mrs Anna-Marie Pospíšilová |
Campus Jinonice, Prague 5 room B103B |
24/9 at 12:30-15 25/9 11:20-12:30 26/9 11:30-12:30
- Come and grab some kitchen essentials gifted by previous exchange students! - Available after the workshops (no prior registration necessary) |
Campus Jinonice, Prague 5 room C321 |
25/09 at 10-11:20 AM |
- by Kristina Pellarová |
Campus Jinonice, Prague 5 room B103B |
25/09 at 5 PM |
Orienteering run through Prague - orientation fun run (quizzes prepared etc) through Prague organized by students from International Student Team of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport - students will be divided in groups |
Kampus Hybernska |
26/09 at 10 - 11:30 AM |
Moments Shaping Modern Czech History - lecture by Dr. Jan Hornát |
Campus Jinonice, Prague 5 room C117 |
27/09 at 11 AM | Scavenger Hunt (watch the video to see our students in action) | Hollar building, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1 |
27/09 at 4:00 PM |
Basketball/ Volleyball - organized by students from International Student Team of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport - indoor sport shoes - please no black sole (it leaves marks) |
Campus Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (FTVS), José Martího 269/31, meeting at the main building lobby/reception |
30/09 at 6 PM |
Welcome Party (for exchange and 1st year degree FSV students) - live music (DJ Brady and the Saxman) from 6 pm - 1 free drink |
Střelecký ostrov |
02/10 at 7:00 PM |
Pub quiz - organized by ESN - sign up sheet (TBA) |
The PUB Praha 6 |
Other events
10/10 |
Mental Health Day - canis therapy, worskhops - see more information here |
Jinonice Campus |
17/10 |
Erasmus Days in Jinonice - see more information here |
Jinonice Campus |
Academic year 2023/2024
Summer Semester 2023/2024
Prior to your arrival
When | What | Where |
from 01/01 | Accepting new exchange students in FB group "Exchange Students FSV UK" | FB page |
29/01 at 2 PM |
1st Online Pre-Arrival Meeting - practical information (Rormitory, Public Transport, Registration at the Foreign Police, Online Enrollment) - attendance highly recommended |
in Teams |
30-31/01 | Online Enrollment in the Charles University Authentification Service | |
31/01 at 2 PM |
Online Pre-Arrival Meeting - social activities (ESN, Intern's plans, Students Clubs, Activities of Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Exchange Students Alumni) |
in Teams |
05/02 at 2 PM |
2nd Online Pre-Arrival Meeting - academic information (Online Course Registration, Language Courses, Sport Courses, Academic Rules, Orientation Day and Welcome Week) - attendance highly recommended |
in Teams |
08/02 at 10 AM | Online Course Registration in Student Information System | SIS |
08/02 at 12 PM (noon) | Online Q&A with International Office | in Teams |
Welcome Week
When | What | Where |
12/02 - 18/02 | ESN events | Online Registration |
12/02 at 10 AM | Orientation Day (watch the video to see how our OD was) |
Campus Jinonice, room C117, Prague 5 |
12/02 - 18/02 | Welcome Week | Prague |
12/02 5 PM |
MindRun (run/walk + mindfullness excercise) - a run/walk through park, divided in groups according to distance and difficulty, - organized by students from International Student Team of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport - maximum number: 50 students |
Divoká Šárka Park, Prague 6 |
13/02 10-11:30AM |
Czech Language Crash Course - by Kristina Pellarová - maximum number: 25 students - sign up sheet - FULL |
room 212 (3rd floor) |
13/02 2-4 PM |
Moments Shaping Modern Czech History - lecture by Dr. Jan Hornát - maximum number: 200 students |
room C117 |
14/02 9-10:30 |
Czech Language Crash Course - by Kristina Pellarová - maximum number: 25 students - sign up sheet - FULL |
room 112 (2nd floor) |
14/02 11-1 PM |
Intercultural workshop, mental health and wellbeing - by Psychological Therapist Mrs Anna-Marie Pospíšilová - maximum number: 30 students - sign up sheet - FULL |
room 112 |
14/02 3-5 PM |
Intercultural workshop, mental health and wellbeing - by Psychological Therapist Mrs Anna-Marie Pospíšilová - maximum number: 30 students |
room 112 |
14/02 10 AM |
Orienteering run through Prague - orientation fun run (quizzes prepared etc) through Prague organized by students from International Student Team of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport - students will be divided in groups |
Prague city centre |
15/02 from 11 AM |
Scavenger Hunt (watch the video to see our students in action) - by Antonella Kopic Bernardon - maximum number: unlimited - sign up sheet , students will be devided in groups
Prague, meeting point will be announced |
15/02 TBD (afternoon) |
Basketball/ Volleyball - organized by students from International Student Team of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport - indoor sport shoes - please no black sole (it leaves marks) - maximum number: basketball 30 students, volleyball 20 students |
Campus Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (FTVS), José Martího 269/31, Hall F |
16/02 9-11 AM |
Open gym Evropská - various activities in gym for free - climbing, squash, work out etc., organized by students from IST of FTVS - comfortable sport clothes and shoes - maximum number 30-40 students |
Campus FTVS, José Martího 269/31, Gym Evropská |
Other events
When | What | Where |
Easter craft - egg painting and decorating - sign up sheet will be provided |
29-31/03 |
Easter weekend in Krkonoše - organized by Julien Allo (intern of IO FSV UK) - hiking, board games, fun - price per student 2120CZK (incl. accommodation and full board) - proper hiking shoes and winter clothes needed |
Patejdlova bouda, Špindlerův Mlýn |
Online Pre-arrival Meetings
All recordings of the Online Pre-arrival Meetings as well as the presentations in pdf can be found here.