JUNIOR (Post-Doc) Fund
JUNIOR (Post-Doc) Fund
As part of Charles University’s constant efforts to develop and strengthen its research base we are keen to recruit high-quality post-doctoral research fellows from abroad to work at top University or Faculty centres and contribute to the University’s strong research profile.
The goal of the International Post-Doc Stays Fund is to attract prospective international post-doc researchers, who will carry out research within a specific field. Selection of the researchers is carried out in the first step by the relevant research centre or department of the faculty responsible for the research; in the second step by the Charles University‘s Research Board that makes the final selection.
See more information of the Fund here.
Call for applications OPEN
The call for applications is now OPEN! You can check the research topics below. The deadline to submit an application is 26th July 2024.
A new call for applications for period 1. 1. 2025 - 31. 12. 2026 is now open. See the topics below as well as deadline for applications submission.
Please see the required documents here.
List of actual post-doc positions
A list of post-doc positions of Call 25/26 at the Faculty of Social Sciences are:
|1| Title of the research project:
Garant: doc. PhDr. Vít Střítecký, M.Phil., Ph.D., Institute of Political Studies
Men and boys are progressively exposed to international online extremist communities espousing extreme misogyny and anti-establishment views. Despite the contemporary emphasis on manospheric online communities, important challenges remain in harmonising different yet potentially complimentary theoretical frameworks and integrating allied measurements. Synthesising theoretical frameworks across diverse domains of scientific knowledge and integrating their related measures into a cohesive analytical model may subsequently lead toward a greater understanding of how and why such manospheric communities have and continue to develop.
Additionally, it is important to translate a unique blend of theoretical knowledge with practical application. A distinguishing feature of competitive applicant will be their ability to bridge academic research and real-world applications, translating complex theories and findings into actionable insights. This translational skill is crucial for generating policy-relevant insights to inform government policies or commercial products, such as emerging insights into counter violent extremism policy and practice. Applicants with a strong academic track record and at least some experience translating research into tangible outcomes, whether through policy recommendations, innovative strategies, and impactful projects, are highly encouraged to apply.
Workplace: Institute of Political Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University)
Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Vít Střítecký, M.Phil., Ph.D.
Email: vit.stritecky@fsv.cuni.cz
Position available from: January 1, 2025 (24 months)
Deadline for applications: July 26, 2024
Applicants must submit required documents to vit.stritecky@fsv.cuni.cz
|2| Title of the research project:
Garant doc. Nico Carpentier, Ph.D., Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism
With Europe being more and more confronted with armed conflict at (and within) its borders, peace has become materially, but also conceptually elusive, often only negatively defined—as war’s opposite—without much substance. This project is embedded in the discursive-constructionist approaches to war (e.g., Jabri 1996) in order to study a particular conflict-related setting to better understand how peace is defined, as, for instance, an unreachable utopia or a legitimation of war.
Workplace: Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University)
Supervisor: doc. Nico Carpentier, Ph.D.
E-mail: nico.carpentier@fsv.cuni.cz
Position available from: January 1, 2025 (24 months)
Deadline for applications: July 26, 2024
Applicants must submit required documents to nico.carpentier@fsv.cuni.cz
|3| Title of the research project:
Garant doc. PhDr. Jan Karlas, Ph.D., M.A., Institute of Political Studies
During several previous decades, world politics rested on an evolving, but still rather persistent type of an international order. This order was to a large extent based on the dominant position of the United States (USA). Yet it also involved several important normative elements, represented by liberal principles, intensive global economic cooperation, or international institutions. To a high extent, the US-led order was sustained by the demand coming from the other states, which saw it as an enabling arrangement for dealing with global problems such the spread of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, global economic crises, or environmental degradation.
At this moment, this order that has so far characterized international politics is facing several important challenges. One of the factors that weaken it is the changing distribution of power in the international system, marked by the decreasing position of the USA and the strengthening of the so-called rising powers. Furthermore, developing countries often hold different views about the appropriate form of international order, putting a greater emphasis on the principles of sovereignty and justice. Simultaneously, a part of the turbulent development can be attributed to social and ideological changes taking place in the developed countries. Last but not least, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine challenges the basic respect for the principles of collective security.
Within this topic, we are searching for a post-doc candidate that would identify and explore an important issue that has to do with the contemporary transformative processes in international politics. The candidate should definitely dispose with a strong theoretical and methodological background. This background should enable him/her to contribute to the international academic debates. As for a concrete research topic, we are rather flexible. The concrete topic would need to be in some way connected with the changing characteristics of world politics. In this context, we welcome proposals that may deal with the cooperative, as well as conflictual aspects of world politics. In terms of issue areas, we are ready to consider proposals that may be concerned with security issues, international economic relations, or any other substantive field of the contemporary international relations.
Workplace: Institute of Political Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University)
Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Jan Karlas, Ph.D.
Email: jan.karlas@fsv.cuni.cz
Position available from: January 1, 2025 (24 months)
Deadline for applications: July 26, 2024
Applicants must submit required documents to jan.karlas@fsv.cuni.cz
|4| Title of the research project:
Garant doc. Michel Perottino, Ph.D., Institute of Political Studies
The current European landscape is marked by a series of interlinked crises, often referred to as a 'polycrisis.' These include economic instability, migration challenges, public health emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and geopolitical tensions. Each of these crises has had profound impacts on European societies, political systems, and citizen behavior. Affective polarization, characterized by the growing emotional and social distance between political groups, has become a significant concern in this context. The project should aim to understand how these crises exacerbate affective polarization and how this polarization, in turn, affects democratic processes and social cohesion. We are searching for a post-doc candidate that would focus on the general topic of affective polarization in its complexity, but the candidate should eventually focus on specific aspects of this large phenomenon. The candidate is expected to be equipped with a strong theoretical and methodological background.
Workplace: Institute of Political Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University)
Supervisor: doc. Michel Perottino, Ph.D.
Email: michel.perottino@fsv.cuni.cz
Position available from: January 1, 2025 (24 months)
Deadline for applications: July 26, 2024
Applicants must submit required documents to michel.perottino@fsv.cuni.cz
Postdoctoral Hub at CU
Previous research areas
You may find list of research areas from previous call here.