Exchange Experience


International Office

Faculty of Social Sciences

Smetanovo nábř. 6

110 01 Prague 1

2nd floor (room 216)

International Office contacts

Exchange in numbers

In 2022/2023

472 outgoing students

783 incoming students



  • Online mobility fair 2022

    Are you thinking about studying abroad? Explore exchange options at FSV UK, meet study abroad alumni and learn how scholarships work at our online mobility fair held on Zoom on 10 October at 3:30 p.m. 

  • Scholarships for study stays in Germany and Austria

    Are you interested in studying in German-speaking countries? Take advantage of the opportunity to apply for the CEEPUS, DAAD and AKTION programs starting in the academic year 2022/23 or in the next academic year. During October, webinars will be held on these programs, where you will learn more detailed information.

  • 4EU+ Alliance internships for PhD students and academics

    It is still possible to use the 4EU+  mobility funding for a study visit or internship at any 4EU+ university. Both Ph.D. students and academics can apply. The mobility can last a maximum of  one month and has to be concluded by the end of September 2022.

  • First international Erasmus+ ICM Staff Training Week at FSV UK

    The First international Erasmus+ ICM Staff Training Week at FSV UK was held from 13 - 17 June 2022 on-site at Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences in Prague. The topic for this Staff Week was Crisis Management. The participants arrived from universities in Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Moldova.

  • “Europe in the Global Arena - 2022” Summer School in Hungary

    The University of Pécs in Hungary offers Summer School “Europe in the Global Arena - 2022”, taking place between June 21 – 30, 2022. Students from Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia can apply for the CEEPUS Scholarship to receive a participation fee waiver. 

  • April/May deadlines for study and research stays

    Poland, Austria, Korea, Belgium: these are some of the countries you can visit during your study or research stay. Check the April and May application deadlines for research stays, summer schools and inter-faculty and inter-university agreements in this overview.