PhDr. JUDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.
PhDr. JUDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D.

- Department of Security Studies
- Dean
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Academic Council
- Executive Council of the Dean
Telephone: +420 222 112 236
Rooms: No. H208, Smetanovo nabrezi 6 , No. B321, Jinonice, building B
ResearcherID: E-9743-2018
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2444-586X
Rok vydání
- Karásek T., Stejskal L., Anděl P., Moravcová D., Hrubý Z., & Svoboda K. (2008). European Union in a new security environment. Matfyzpress.
- Hynek N., Střítecký V., Karmazin A., Karásek T., Allison R., Bladaité N., Šešelgytė M., Tskhay A., Buranelli F., Spanger H., Zielonka J., Rupnik J., & Hynek N. (2023). Hybridisation of Political Order and Contemporary Revisionism. Routledge.
Chapters in monographs
- Karásek T. (2006). Ministr zahraničí EU a teorie institucionalizace. Evropská unie na počátku 21. století : reformní procesy a institucionální změna (pp. 101-128).
- Karásek T. (2010). CFSP after eastern enlargement : change of policy and institutional reform. European integration: structural changes and their influence on EU diplomatic policies (pp. 15-35).
- Karásek T., & Karásková I. (2010). The impact of Central and Eastern European countries on the changing energy security concept of the EU (after 2004 enlargement). European integration : structural changes and their influence on EU diplomatic policies (pp. 374-387).
- Karásek T. (2007). Integrace nebo mocenská rovnováha? Konceptualizace 'vysoké' a 'nízké' zahraničně-bezpečnostní politiky v rámci Evropské unie. Mezinárodní vztahy, 42(2), 5-30.
- Karásek T. (2004). Budoucnost transatlantických bezpečnostních vztahů : čtyři scénáře. Mezinárodní vztahy, 39(2), 20-35.
- Karásek T. (2018). Modes of Strategic Adaptation : NATO and the EU under Revisionist Pressure. Obrana a strategie, 18(2), 43-56. UT-WOS link
- Karásek T. (2020). Between Pastiche and Sampling: NATO's Strategic Adaptation to Russian Revisionism. Europe-Asia Studies, 72(6), 996-1009. UT-WOS link
- Karásek T. (2010). Česká republika a zahraniční vojenské operace : formování politického konsensu v letech 1999-2009. Mezinárodní vztahy, 45(4), 29-49.
- Karásek T. (2016). Tracking shifts in strategic culture: analyzing counterinsurgency as a rise of a strategic subculture. Obrana a strategie, 16(1), 113-142.
- Šplíchalová A., Karásek T., & Apeltauer T. (2021). Classification of socio-psychological aspects of protecting soft targets: a case study for the evacuation of railway terminals. Komunikacie, 23(3), 71-82.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
UNCE/HUM/037 (Charles University Centre of Excellence): Human-Machine Nexus and Its Impact on International Order, 2018-2022 (senior project member)
TL01000322 (Technological Agency of the Czech Republic): Evolution of unmanned technologies and their societal perception: analysis of opportunities and minimization of risks, 2018-2020 (member of research team)
TL02000352 (Technological Agency of the Czech Republic): Classifying social-psychological personal parameters through artificial intelligence and machine vision for the purpose of protection of persons in real time, 2019-2021 (main investigator)
Since, February 2022, Tomáš Karásek is the dean of Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University. Before that he was a vice-dean for development (2012-2022) and for international relations (2011-2012). From 2015 to 2022 he was a founding head of the Department of Security Studies. He has been employed at the Institute of Political Studies since 2014, since 2017 as an assistant professor. In his research he focuses primarily on European and transatlantic security and on the concept of strategic culture. Further areas of his interest, reflected in his courses, include conflict studies and ethics of violence. Tomáš holds a Ph.D. in International Relations and a JUDr. in Law, both from Charles University. Between 2010 and 2013 he directed the Research Center at the Association for International Affairs. He is an alumnus of the Fulbright programme, which he spent at Columbia University in New York, and was subsequently named honorary ambassador of the Fulbright Commission in Prague.
European and transatlantic security; strategic culture