doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc.
doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc.
- Department of Sociology
Telephone: +420 267 224 237
Rooms: No. B223, Jinonice, building B
ResearcherID: Y-8178-2019
Scopus Author ID: 16246760400
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0817-000X
Rok vydání
- Uherek Z. (2021). Josef Kandert, Bibliografická příloha Národopisné revue 35. Národní ústav lidové kultury.
Chapters in monographs
- Uherek Z. (2024). Czech Republic. Europe: An Encyclopedia of Culture and Society (pp. 189-209).
- Uherek Z. (2017). Discourse on Public Spaces: Praguers in the Process of Globalization Changes and the Neoliberal Economy. Diversity and Local Contexts: Urban Space, Borders, and Migration (pp. 71-91).
- Uherek Z. (2019). Romani Political Participation and Legitimization of Power Relations in the Czech Republic. Legitimacy : Ethnographic and Theoretical Insights (pp. 305-328).
- Janská E., Uherek Z., & Janurová K. (2024). The theoretical framework, preliminary data, and research design for collecting data on the Czech diaspora. Transnational trajectories and diaspora policies: The case of Czechia in comparison to Poland, Hungary and Slovakia (pp. 106-124).
- Uherek Z. (2021). About the Maturity of the Cargo Journal and the Lifelong Topics of Zdenek Salzmann. Cargo, 2021(1-2), 5-8.
- Uherek Z. (2021). Undercommunicated Stories in Boundary Building Processes: Successful Romanies in the Czech Republic. Etnologia Polona, 42(1), 65-78.
- Uherek Z., Červinková H., Horálek A., Jirka L., & Skalník P. (2022). Editorial. Cargo [online], 19(1-2), 4-5.
- Uherek Z. (2023). František Vrhel (28. 5. 1943 - 16. 6. 2023). Národopisná revue, 33(3), 239-240.
- Uherek Z. (2023). In the Book Dedicated to Zdeněk "Denny" Salzmann. Cargo: Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology, 21(1), 93-95.
- Uherek Z. (2023). Editorial. Cargo: Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology, 21(1), 3-3.
- Uherek Z. (2023). Editorial. Cargo: Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology, 21(2), 3-4.
- Uherek Z. (2023). Extractions and Related Changes in Svalbard. Cargo: Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology, 21(2), 56-60.
- Uherek Z. (2017). Eva Davidová a její životní milníky. Národopisná revue, 27(4), 349-351.
- Uherek Z. (2017). Sharing Migration Experience. Slovenský národopis, 65(4), 354-356. UT-WOS link
- Uherek Z. (2018). Czech and Slovak Romani on the path abroad: Migration and human personality. Romani Studies, 28(1), 79-108. UT-WOS link
- Uherek Z. (2018). Political Participation and Legitimization of Power. The State and the Family: A Romani Case. Urbanities - Journal of Urban Ethnography [online], 8(Supplement 1), 74-78. UT-WOS link
- Uherek Z. (2017). Not only moving bodies: contested and transforming concepts in migration studies. Slovenský národopis, 65(2), 222-233. UT-WOS link
- Xiang B., Uherek Z., & Horálek A. (2022). "We want to start with what people are worried about in their own lives": Toward an anthropology of "common concerns". An Interview with Professor Biao Xiang, by Zdeněk Uherek, and Adam Horálek. Cargo [online], 19(1-2), 97-108.
- Skalník P., Eriksen T., Shankland D., Macfarlane A., Franzinetti G., Horálek A., Conversi D., Uherek Z., & Hann C. (2023). The Relevance of Gellner's Social Theory in the Contemporary World. Cargo: Journal for Cultural and Social Anthropology, 21(1), 72-91.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
Introduction to Social Anthropology, Urban Anthropology, Nations and Nationalism, Anthropology of the EU, Borders and International Migration
Anthropology of Migrations
Urban Anthropology
Anthropology of Europe
Migrations from and to the Czech Republic, Roma, Czech Compatriots abroad, Urban studies, Public Space