doc. Michal Parízek, Ph.D.
doc. Michal Parízek, Ph.D.

- Department of International Relations
Telephone: +420 296 824 664
Rooms: No. C412, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: K-9015-2017
Scopus Author ID: 55301155900
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0117-5999
Rok vydání
- Parízek M. (2020). Negotiations in the World Trade Organization : Design and Performance. Routledge.
Chapters in monographs
- Parízek M., & Stephen M. (2020). The Representation of BRICS in Global Economic Governance: Reform and Fragmentation of Multilateral Institutions. The Political Economy of the BRICS Countries. Volume 2: BRICS and the Global Economy (pp. 361-389).
- Parízek M. (2010). Euro ano, nebo ne? Český diskurz o euru. Hledání českých zájmů : vnitřní rozmanitost a vnější akceschopnost (pp. 68-88).
- Parízek M. (2015). Internationaler Handel und WTO. Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates (pp. 63-68).
- Parízek M., & Ditrych O. (2019). Předpovědní metody. Metodologie výzkumu politiky (pp. 229-254).
- Parízek M. (2017). Control, soft information, and the politics of international organizations staffing. Review of International Organizations, 12(4), 559-583. UT-WOS link
- Parízek M., Hosli M., & Plechanovová B. (2015). Avoiding Paralysis: The Eastern Enlargement and the Council of the European Union. Journal of European Integration, 37(6), 649-665. UT-WOS link
- Parízek M., Plechanovová B., & Hosli M. (2015). Byrokratizace rozhodování v Evropské unii po východním rozšíření. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 51(1), 41-63. UT-WOS link
- Parízek M., & Stephen M. (2021). The long march through the institutions: Emerging powers and the staffing of international organizations. Cooperation and Conflict, 56(2), 204-223. UT-WOS link
- Parízek M. (2011). Identities, not money: CEE countries attitudes to the euro. Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 5(1), 115-135.
- Parízek M. (2016). Communication and Credibility in Multilateral Negotiations. Politologický časopis, 2016(1), 44-64.
- Parízek M. (2014). Analýza mnohostranných vyjednávání ve Světové obchodní organizaci. Mezinárodní vztahy, 49(2), 5-31.
- Parízek M. (2011). Kapacita mezinárodních institucí: konceptuální rámec pro empirickou analýzu. Mezinárodní vztahy, 46(3), 55-76.
- Parízek M. (2012). Design mezinárodních institucí: organizačně-kybernetický přístup. Mezinárodní vztahy, 47(3), 53-73.
- Parízek M. (2012). After the Enlargement: Trends and Threats in the European Union Decision-Making. Perspectives, 20(1), 33-58.
- Parízek M. (2023). Worldwide Media Visibility of NATO, the European Union, and the United Nations in Connection to the Russia-Ukraine War. Czech Journal of International Relations : Mezinárodní vztahy, 58(1), 15-44. UT-WOS link
- Parízek M., & Ananyeva E. (2019). Central and Eastern Europe and the Decline of Russia in the United Nations Administrative Bodies: 1996-2015. Mezinárodní vztahy, 54(2), 24-49.
- Parízek M., & Stephen M. (2021). The Increasing Representativeness of International Organizations' Secretariats: Evidence from the United Nations System, 1997-2015. International Studies Quarterly, 65(1), 197-209. UT-WOS link
- Karlas J., & Parízek M. (2019). The Process Performance of the WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism: Peer-Reviewing Reconsidered. Global Policy, 10(3), 376-384. UT-WOS link
- Eckhard S., & Parízek M. (2022). Policy Implementation by International Organizations : A Comparative Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses of National and International Staff. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 24(3), 254-270. UT-WOS link
- Vlček V., & Parízek M. (2022). Participation of ministers in council of the EU meetings: variation across members and decline over time. Journal of European Integration, 44(4), 493-509. UT-WOS link
- Faude B., & Parízek M. (2021). Contested multilateralism as credible signaling: how strategic inconsistency can induce cooperation among states. Review of International Organizations, 16(4), 843-870. UT-WOS link
- Karlas J., & Parízek M. (2016). Aktivita členských států WTO v Mechanismu přezkoumávání obchodní politiky. Mezinárodní vztahy, 51(2), 30-49.
- Stephen M., & Parízek M. (2019). New Powers and the Distribution of Preferences in Global Trade Governance: From Deadlock and Drift to Fragmentation. New Political Economy, 24(6), 735-758. UT-WOS link
- Karlas J., & Parízek M. (2018). Peer-reviewing in the World Trade Organization: The Activity of States in the Trade Policy Review Mechanism. Politologický časopis, 25(3), 227-249. UT-WOS link
- Brunclík M., & Parízek M. (2019). When are technocratic cabinets formed?. Comparative European Politics, 17(5), 759-777. UT-WOS link
- Karlas J., & Parízek M. (2020). Supply of Policy Information in the World Trade Organization: Cross-National Compliance with One-Time and Regular Notification Obligations, 1995-2014. World Trade Review, 19(1), 30-50. UT-WOS link
- Rauh C., & Parízek M. (2024). Converging on Europe? The European Union in mediatised debates during the COVID-19 and Ukraine shocks. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(10), 3036-3065. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- "Golden Course Award" at Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (2014, 2015, 2020, 2021, 2022) / Best-evaluated course at the Institute of Political Studies at bachelor or master level. Courses International Institutions: Governing Global Economy (2014), Crisis Games (2015, 2021, 2022), and Kvantitativní metody zkoumání politiky (2020)
- ECPR Rudolf Wildenmann Prize (2014) / Awarded for an outstanding research paper by European Consortium for Political Research
- Full doctoral scholarship (3 years, 2010 – 2013) / Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies, Hertie Foundation, Germany
Researching International Politics: Quantitative Methods, Crisis Games, Navigating the Information Age: Political Text Analysis and Applied Machine Learning, Global Political Economy, Global Economic Governance, Kvantitativní metody zkoumání politiky [Quantitative Methods]
• Global flows of information, international communication
• International organizations and international cooperation
• International trade and international political economy
• Globalization and globalization backlash
• New powers and the global order
• Politics meet bureaucracy: empirical study of international administrations
• Empirical applications of quantitative research methods
• Empirical applications of automated text analysis
- 2023-2026 Transforming and Defending Multilateralism: European UnioN SUpport for more Robust, Effective and Democratic Global Governance (ENSURED), Horizon Europe, WP Leader
- 2021- Global Flows of Political Information (GLOWIN), PRIMUS/21/HUM/012, principal investigator
- 2018- Peace Research Center Prague, Charles University Research Center (UNCE), junior member
- 2017-2019 Global bureaucracy: The politics of international organizations staffing, Czech Science Foundation, 17-10543S, principal investigator
- 2015- Power Shifts, International Institutions and Inter-Institutional Strategies, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, internal institutional project, member of the researcher team
- 2015-2017 Member states in the WTO: Preferences, Compliance, Monitoring, Czech Science Foundation, GA15-12533S, member of the researcher team
- 2010-2012 The Capacity of International Institutions, Grant Agency of the Charles University, GA UK 2010/47310, principal investigator
- 2009-2011 Eastern Enlargement and Patterns of Decision-making in the European Union, Czech Science Foundation, GA CR 2009/1747, member of the researcher team
I am Assistant Professor and the Deputy Head of the Department of International Relations at the Institute of Political Studies at Charles University. I research and teach courses on international politics and international organizations. I have studied at Charles University, at the University of Bath, at Princeton University, and at Freie Universität Berlin. In my research, I focus on the functioning of international institutions and global information inter-connectedness. I am the principal investigator of project GLOWIN, Global Flows of Political Information ( I am also a work package leader in the Horizon Europe project ENSURED (2023-2026). The results of my research have been published in leading scholarly journals in the field of International Relations, including in International Studies Quarterly (2021), The Review of International Organizations (2017, 2021), New Political Economy (2019), and Comparative European Politics (2018). I am the author of Negotiations in the World Trade Organization: Design and Performance (2021, Routledge).
international information flows, international organizations, global order, World Trade Organization, international administrations