


  • "The War in Ukraine: 3 Months Later" debate

    Asami Teramija, a young reporter accounting for Kyiv Independent and Kyiv Post, will be a guest for the debate addressing situation from Kyiv, Charkiv and Donbas area.The debate will take place in Hollar building in the room No. 215 and it will start at 5 p.m., discussion will be in English.
  • Submit your thesis for Josef Vavrousek Award

    The 27th public competition was announced for Josef Vavrousek Award.  Students, doctoral students and young university graduates in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, including international degree students, can submit their Bachelor and Master theses and PhD dissertations for the competition. The submission deadline for this year is Friday 29 July 2022, 12:00p.m.
  • Supplementary admissions procedure for the PhD in Modern History

    Faculty of Social Sciences announces a supplementary admissions procedure for the doctoral study programme Modern History (full-time and combined form) for the academic year 2022/23. The deadline is 4 September.
  • Apply for accommodation at Hlávka dormitory

    60 places at Hlávka dormitory are reserved for PhD students or young academic or research staff, or students of Master's and Bachelor's study programmes with excellent study, research and pedagogical results from Charles University. The application can be sent until May 4, 2022.
  • 2021 Rector’s Extraordinary Prize awarded to FSV UK student Ronan Wordsworth

    On Tuesday, April 12, 2022, the Carolinum became the venue for a ceremony of exceptionally gifted and creative students and graduates, who were awarded the Bolzano Prize and prizes awarded by the Rector. The Rector’s Extraordinary Prize for 2021 was awarded to FSV UK student Ronan Peter Wordsworth.
  • “Europe in the Global Arena - 2022” Summer School in Hungary

    The University of Pécs in Hungary offers Summer School “Europe in the Global Arena - 2022”, taking place between June 21 – 30, 2022. Students from Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia can apply for the CEEPUS Scholarship to receive a participation fee waiver.