Private Accommodation
Private Accommodation
Important note: We suggest applying for the CU dormitories. Apartments available for rent have sharply dropped, and renting successfully from another country is rather challenging. Moreover, the prices of energy costs and related fees are getting higher.
More than 50% of Exchange students stay in private accommodations. This type of housing students manage by themselves. Here are some valuable links to accommodation providers and search websites.
FB groups in English
Flatshare in Prague and Flat rentals without commission
Prague accommodation: Flatshare, flat rentals/no agency fee
Flatshare student room flat Prague
FB groups in the Czech language
Works well with FB translator or Google translate.
Pronájem/Podnájem pokojů a bytů v Praze bez realitky
PLEASE BEWARE OF SCAMS as there have been cases of international students being scammed. Be careful if you are asked to pay a deposit, rent or other fees before signing the lease - scammers often create a sense of urgency, claim to live abroad, etc.
Remember that if you have any doubts, it is better to decline an offer (that sounds too good) than to get scammed.
Have a look at this practical information which might help you through the searching process.