Mgr. Viera Martinková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Viera Martinková, Ph.D.

- Department of International Relations
Rooms: No. C524, Jinonice, building C
Scopus Author ID: 51665119200
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4377-9523
Rok vydání
Chapters in monographs
- Knutelská V. (2013). Cooperation among National Parliaments : An Effective Contribution to EU Legitimation?. Practices of Interparliamentary Coordination in International Politics (pp. 33-49).
- Knutelská V. (2011). National Parliaments as New Actors in the Decision-making Process at the European Level. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 7(3), 327-344.
- Knutelská V. (2013). National Parliaments in the Council: Parliamentary Scrutiny Reserves. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 7(1), 146-164.
- Knutelská V. (2011). Working practices winning out over formal rules: parliamentary scrutiny of EU matters in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 12(3), 320-339.
- Hokovský R., & Knutelská V. (2012). Role of Political Affiliation across the European Institutions in the Dynamics of the EU Legislative Process. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Oeconomica, Czech Economic Review, 6(2), 125-138.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Knutelská V. (2007). The impacts of the activities of the European ombudsman on the decision-making in the European Union : another way to democratise the EU?. Crucial Problems of International Relations through the Eyes of Young Scholars : international conference of young scholars (pp. 227-246).
European studies - JPD002, European Union (EU) - JPM947, Interinstitutional Relations: European vs. Domestic Institutions (EU) - JPM433, NGOs in International Relations (II) - JPM770, European Public Sphere: Interest Representation and Public Debate - JPM432, European Policies of Visegrad Countries - JPM731.
national parliaments and the EU, relations between national and European institutions
democratic deficit of the EU
European public sphere
EU institutions and decision-making processes
development cooperation
2013-2016, participation in Pademia (Erasmus Academic Network), a Europe-wide network of 56 academic institutions from 31 countries to promote research and teaching in reaction to growing European demands to study parliamentary democracy in Europe.
2011-2012, research project Decision-Making in the European Union Before and After Lisbon - assistant to the co-investigator prof. Běla Plechanovová (Jean Monnet Multilateral Research Group Project, European Commission);
2009-2011, research project Eastern Enlargement and Patterns of Decision-making in the European Union - a member of the research team (Czech Science Foundation);
2012, Challenging the Czech Tales on European Policies, policy project by AMO fostering the Czech debate on European issues – monitoring coordinator, deputy project coordinator, analyst;
2012, Democratic control in the Member States of the European Council and the eurozone summits, research project by TEPSA and Notre Europe for the European Parliament – country expert on the Czech Republic;
EU institutions and decision-making, national institutions in the European decision-making process, democratic deficit of the EU, European public sphere, national parliaments in the EU
European integration