doc. PhDr. Zuzana Havránková, Ph.D.
doc. PhDr. Zuzana Havránková, Ph.D.

- Department of Macroeconomics and Econometrics
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 222 112 309
Rooms: No. O311, Opletalova 26
ResearcherID: K-6387-2016
Scopus Author ID: 37080793200
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0753-8124
I am an economist specializing in labor economics, international economics, and meta-research. See for more details.
Job history
2018+ Associate Professor, Charles University
2015-2018 Postdoctoral research fellow, Charles University
2015 Research Visitor, Czech National Bank
2014 Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley
2009-2020 Analyst (portfolio mgmt.), RWE
Rok vydání
Chapters in monographs
- Iršová Z., & Havránek T. (2013). A Meta-Analysis of Bank Efficiency Measurement in Transitional Countries. Transformations in Business and Economics, 12(2), 163-183. UT-WOS link
- Iršová Z., & Havránek T. (2013). Determinants of Horizontal Spillovers from FDI: Evidence from a Large Meta-Analysis. World Development, 42(February), 1-15. UT-WOS link
- Iršová Z., & Havránek T. (2011). Bank efficiency in transitional countries: sensitivity to stochastic frontier design. Transition Studies Review, 18(2), 230-270.
- Iršová Z., & Havránek T. (2010). Measuring bank efficiency : a meta-regression analysis. Prague Economic Papers, 19(4), 307-328. UT-WOS link
- Iršová Z., Doucouliagos H., Havránek T., & Stanley T. (2024). Meta-Analysis of Social Science Research: A Practitioner's Guide. Journal of Economic Surveys, 38(5), 1547-1566. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Vlach T. (2018). Measuring the income elasticity of water demand: The importance of publication and endogeneity biases. Land Economics, 94(2), 259-283. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., & Iršová Z. (2017). Do Borders Really Slash Trade? A Meta-Analysis. IMF Economic Review, 65(2), 365-396. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Schwarz J. (2016). Dynamic Elasticities of Tax Revenue: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Applied Economics, 48(60), 5866-5881. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., & Iršová Z. (2010). Meta-analysis of intra-industry FDI spillovers : updated evidence. Finance a úvěr, 60(2), 151-174. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., & Iršová Z. (2010). On the intensity of international subsidy competition for FDI. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 17(2), 25-54.
- Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Lešanovská J. (2016). Bank efficiency and interest rate pass-through: Evidence from Czech loan products. Economic Modelling, 54(April 2016), 153-169. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Zeynalova O. (2018). Tuition Fees and University Enrolment: A Meta-Regression Analysis. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 80(6), 1145-1184. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Iršová Z., Janda K., & Zilberman K. (2015). Selective reporting and the social cost of carbon. Energy Economics, 51(September), 394-406. UT-WOS link
- Rečková D., & Iršová Z. (2015). Publication Bias in Measuring Anthropogenic Climate Change. Energy and Environment, 26(5), 853-862. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., & Iršová Z. (2013). Determinants of Bank Performance in Transition Countries: A Data Envelopment Analysis. Transition Studies Review, 20(1), 1-17.
- Havránek T., & Iršová Z. (2012). Survey Article: Publication Bias in the Literature on Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers. Journal of Development Studies, 48(10), 1375-1396. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Janda K. (2012). Demand for gasoline is more price-inelastic than commonly thought. Energy Economics, 34(1), 201-207. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., & Iršová Z. (2011). Estimating vertical spillovers from FDI: Why results vary and what the true effect is. Journal of International Economics, 85(2), 234-244. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Iršová Z., Laslopova L., & Zeynalova O. (2024). Publication and Attenuation Biases in Measuring Skill Substitution. Review of Economics and Statistics, 106(5), 1187-1200. UT-WOS link
- Yang F., Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Novák J. (2024). Is research on hedge fund performance published selectively? A quantitative survey. Journal of Economic Surveys, 38(4), 1085-1131. UT-WOS link
- Kroupova K., Havránek T., & Iršová Z. (2024). Student Employment and Education: A Meta-Analysis. Economics of Education Review, 100(June 2024), UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Horváth R., Iršová Z., & Rusnák M. (2015). Cross-country heterogeneity in intertemporal substitution. Journal of International Economics, 96(1), 100-118. UT-WOS link
- Hampl M., Havránek T., & Iršová Z. (2020). Foreign capital and domestic productivity in the Czech Republic: a meta-regression analysis. Applied Economics, 52(18), 1949-1958. UT-WOS link
- Havránek T., Herman D., & Iršová Z. (2018). Does Daylight Saving Save Electricity? A Meta-Analysis. Energy Journal, 39(2), 35-61. UT-WOS link
- Bajzík J., Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Schwarz J. (2020). Estimating the Armington elasticity: The importance of study design and publication bias. Journal of International Economics, 127(November), 1-23. UT-WOS link
- Matoušek J., Havránek T., & Iršová Z. (2022). Individual discount rates: a meta-analysis of experimental evidence. Experimental Economics, 25(1), 318-358. UT-WOS link
- Gechert S., Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Kolcunová D. (2022). Measuring capital-labor substitution: The importance of method choices and publication bias. Review of Economic Dynamics, 45(July), 55-82. UT-WOS link
- Žigraiová D., Havránek T., Iršová Z., & Novák J. (2021). How puzzling is the forward premium puzzle? A meta-analysis. European Economic Review, 134(May), 1-30. UT-WOS link
- Kúdeľa P., Havránek T., Herman D., & Iršová Z. (2020). Does daylight saving time save electricity? Evidence from Slovakia. Energy Policy, 137(February), 1-20. UT-WOS link
- Elminejad Anjileh M., Havránek T., Horváth R., & Iršová Z. (2023). Intertemporal substitution in labor supply: A meta-analysis. Review of Economic Dynamics, 51(December), 1095-1113. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
2018 Katerina Smidkova Award For the Best Female Economist (Czech Economic Society)
2015 National Bank of Slovakia Governor's Award
2015, 2012 CNB Economic Research Award
2013 Czech Minister of Education Award
2010 Medal on Research and Development, Global Development Network, World Bank, 1st prize
JEB003 - Ekonomie I
JEM222 - Master's Thesis Seminar for CSF I
JEM223 - Master's Thesis Seminar for CSF II
JEM213 (JEM001) - Master's Thesis Seminar I
JEM214 (JEM002) - Master's Thesis Seminar II
JEM225 - Seminář k diplomovým pracím I
JEM226 - Seminář k diplomovým pracím II
Bachelor theses
For current topics see the Student Information System, but I also welcome your own topics in international, financial, and energy economics; especially those related to meta-analysis/publication bias. Please write your thesis in English and use LaTeX.
Master theses
For current topics see the Student Information System, but I also welcome your own topics in international, financial, and energy economics; especially those related to meta-analysis/publication bias. Please write your thesis in English and use LaTeX.
23-05227M Spurious Precision in Meta-Analysis of Social Science Research (2023-2027): princi-pal investigator
PRIMUS/17/HUM/16 Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy (2018-2022): principal in-vestigator.
GAUK 558713 Publication Bias in the Literature Estimating the Social Cost of Carbon (2013-2015): principal investigator
GAUK 554213 A Quantitative Survey of Empirical Evidence for the Calibration of Small Open Economy DSGE Models (2013-2015): principal investigator
GAUK 89910 Measuring Bank E_ciency (2010-2012): principal investigator
International Trade, Macroeconomics, Meta-analysis, Resource and Energy Economics, Labor Economics