Mgr. Tereza Plíštilová

Mgr. Tereza Plíštilová


  • Department of International Relations
  • Department of North American Studies


Rooms: No. C527, Jinonice, building C


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4713-1916

Tereza Plíštilová is a Ph.D. student of International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. In her doctoral dissertation, Tereza examines contemporary protest movements in the MENA region and their visibility in the media. More broadly her academic interest lies in the new media, contemporary politics, and society of the Middle East.

She is a junior researcher at the project GLOWIN (Global Flows of Political Information) and the Herzl Center for Israel Studies (HCIS).

Rok vydání


Chapters in monographs


Contributions in the conference proceedings

The Contemporary Middle East and North Africa: Politics, Culture, and Society (JPM065)

Researching International Politics: Quantitative Methods (JPM628)


Quantitative Methods of Political Research (JPB283)