prof. Mgr. Tomáš Weiss, M.A., Ph.D.
prof. Mgr. Tomáš Weiss, M.A., Ph.D.

- Department of European Studies
- Academic Council
Telephone: +420 267 224 290
Rooms: No. B322, Jinonice, building B
ResearcherID: C-3002-2014
Scopus Author ID: 50361925000
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7058-8311
Rok vydání
- Weiss T. (2016). Do we need an EU army? Which way for the European security and defence cooperation. Martin Stříž Publishing.
- Weiss T. (2017). Promoting National Priorities in EU Foreign Policy: The Czech Republic's Foreign Policy in the EU. Routledge.
- Weiss T. (2014). Role policie a armády v Evropské unii : analýza evropské a národní úrovně s využitím případové studie České republiky. Karolinum.
- Kozák K., Weiss T., Schulzová H., Bečka J., Brüstlová M., Šlosarčík I., Skálová B., Jiroudková A., Váška J., Hauser J., & Svačinová T. (2012). Dopady krize v euroatlantickém prostoru. Dokořán.
- Šlosarčík I., Weiss T., & Young M. (2020). Europeizace české státní správy : čtyři instituce, čtyři modely. Leges.
- Král D., Řiháčková V., & Weiss T. (2008). Views on American foreign policy : the atlanticism of political parties in Central and Eastern Europe. Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.
- Šlosarčík I., Kasáková Z., Tomalová E., Váška J., & Weiss T. (2013). Instituce Evropské unie a Lisabonská smlouva. Grada.
Chapters in monographs
- Weiss T. (2017). Česko v mezinárodních vztazích: Bezcílné bloudění ve vleku domácí politiky. Maximum možného? 25 let samostatné české a slovenské zahraniční politiky (pp. 27-34).
- Weiss T. (2018). Foreign, security and defence policy : Europeanized at the bottom, neglected at the top. Das politische System Tschechiens (pp. 153-175).
- Weiss T., Kadlecová L., & Ditrych O. (2022). Towards a framework for analysis: Facing the pressures of internationalisation and securitisation. Small States and Security in Europe : Between National and International Policymaking (pp. 18-38).
- Weiss T., & Edwards G. (2022). Introduction: Small states in European security. Small States and Security in Europe : Between National and International Policymaking (pp. 1-17).
- Weiss T., Mikhelidze N., & Šlosarčík I. (2014). Multilateralism as Envisaged? Assessing European Union's engagement in conflict resolution in the neighbourhood. Multilateralism in the 21st Century : Europe's Quest for Effectiveness (pp. 157-177).
- Weiss T., Fernandes S., & Pisklová M. (2024). Institutional Inertia and Change: Explaining the Czech and Portuguese Engagement in European Defence Market Integration. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(3), 784-800. UT-WOS link
- Weiss T., Kořan M., & Beneš V. (2016). Hledání českého místa ve světě na stránkách Mezinárodních vztahů. Mezinárodní vztahy, 51(1), 83-101.
- Weiss T. (2014). Evropská unie a měnící se bezpečnostní prostředí. Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Iuridica, 60(1), 81-90.
- Weiss T. (2020). Book review : Small state behaviour in strategic and intelligence studies. Small States & Territories, 3(2), 461-462.
- Weiss T. (2020). A small state's anticipation of institutional change: effects of the looming Brexit in the areas of the CSDP and internal market. European Security, 29(1), 1-15. UT-WOS link
- Weiss T. (2021). De-Europeanisation of Czech policy towards Eastern Partnership countries under populist leaders. Journal of European Integration, 43(5), 587-602. UT-WOS link
- Weiss T. (2011). Projecting the Re-Discovered: Czech Policy Towards Eastern Europe. Perspectives, 19(2), 27-44.
- Weiss T. (2012). Evropská služba pro vnější činnost a legitimita zahraniční politiky Evropské unie. Mezinárodní vztahy, 47(1), 5-21.
- Weiss T. (2016). Too Limited, Too Late: Evaluating the Czech Republic's Performance as a Small-State Lobbyist in EU External Policy. New Perspectives, 24(1), 53-78.
- Weiss T. (2011). The Unclear Border between Internal and External Security in the European Union: Impact of the Lisbon Treaty. Politologický časopis, 18(3), 215-229.
- Weiss T. (2013). Fighting Wars or Controlling Crowds? The Case of the Czech Military Forces and the Possible Blurring of Police and Military Functions. Armed Forces and Society, 39(3), 450-466. UT-WOS link
- Weiss T. (2013). Visegrád Battlegroup: Foreign Policy Objective by Military Means. Euro-Atlantic Quarterly, 8(2), 29-29.
- Weiss T. (2013). Europeizace a zahraniční politika: prostor pro další výzkum. Středoevropské politické studie (Central European Political Studies Review.), 15(4), 268-283.
- Weiss T., & Řiháčková V. (2010). Promoting multilateralism? : conceptualizing multilateralism in the Czech foreign policy. Perspectives, 18(1), 5-21.
- Weiss T. (2011). The blurring border between the police and the military: A debate without foundations. Cooperation and Conflict, 46(3), 396-405. UT-WOS link
- Weiss T. (2018). Building leverage at the EU level? Specialisation and coherence in Czech policy on Eastern European transition. Journal of International Relations and Development, 21(1), 172-193. UT-WOS link
- Weiss T. (2019). Between NATO and a hard place: defence spending debate in Germany and Czechia. European Security, 28(2), 193-211. UT-WOS link
- Karlas J., Weiss T., Šlosarčík I., & Dostál V. (2013). Systémová koordinace evropských záležitostí: středně velké státy a SZBP. Mezinárodní vztahy, 48(4), 5-25.
- Kadlecová L., & Weiss T. (2021). Czech backlash against the GDPR: A small state's mismatch between domestic and international priorities. New Perspectives, 29(1), 7-22. UT-WOS link
- Kasáková Z., & Weiss T. (2016). Ve správnou chvíli na správném místě: Prosazování zájmů České republiky v Evropském parlamentu. ÚMV Discussion Paper, Neuveden(srpen), 1-33.
- Ouellette M., & Weiss T. (2015). "This Marvelous Symbol of Our Identity": The Czech Republic in American Practical Geopolitics. Geopolitics, 20(2), 267-286. UT-WOS link
- Kovář J., & Weiss T. (2023). The 2022 Czech EU Council Presidency: Performance in the Fields of Security, Energy and Rule of Law. Czech Journal of International Relations : Mezinárodní vztahy, 58(1), 81-99. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
European foreign and security policy;
small states in the EU;
Czech foreign and security policy.
as Principal Investigator
since 2023 Specialisation in small EU states foreign and security policy
2019-2022 TeDEUSS - Teaching and Debating EU Small states’ Security, Jean Monnet Chair in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies (EACEA)
2017-2019 Facing the Pressures of Internationalization and Securitization: Changing Security Policies of European States (Czech Science Foundation)
2016-2017 Promoting Czech interest in EU policies (Technological Agency of the Czech Republic)
2012-2014 Czech Foreign Policy in the European Union (Czech Science Foundation)
2012-2013 Rationalisation of the embassy network (Technological Agency of the Czech Republic and MFA CR)
as Team Member
2020-2023 e-NOTE - European Network on Teaching Excellence (Erasmus+)
2020-2022 EUMA - improvement of good governance of climbing and mountaineering in Europe (Erasmus+)
2018 S4D4C - Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges (European Commission, Horizon 2020)
2017-2020 NIECE - New Ideas for Europeanisation from Central Europe, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (European Commission, Jean Monnet)
2013-2016 Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence – Researching and Teaching European Studies in Central and Eastern Europe (European Commission, Jean Monnet)
2013-2014 Možnosti České republiky v rozhodovacích procesech v Evropském parlamentu [Czech Republic’s entry points in the European Parliament’s decision-making] (Technological Agency of the Czech Republic and MFA CR)
2012-2015 TRANSWORLD - Redefining the transatlantic relationship and its role in shaping global governance (European Commission, FP7)
2012 Visegrad Priorities and Coordination during the Cyprus EU Council Presidency (International Visegrad Fund)
2011-2012 Možnosti a limity působení národních diplomacií po ratifikaci Lisabonské smlouvy ve spolupráci s ESVA a předsednictvím EU [Possibilities and limits of national diplomacies in cooperation with EEAS and EU Presidency after the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty] (MFA CR)
2011 Zapojení ČR do evropské bezpečnostní politiky [Participation of the Czech Republic in European security policy] (MFA CR)
2009-2012 MERCURY - Multilateralism and the European Union in the contemporary global order (European Commission, FP7)
2009-2010 EUPOLIS - European Polity post Lisbon (European Commission, Jean Monnet)
2007-2008 TTSRL - Transnational Terrorism, Security & the Rule of Law (European Commission, FP6)
2006 Vliv práva Evropské unie na mezinárodní závazky České republiky v oblasti trestního práva [Impact of EU law on international commitments of the Czech Republic in the area of penal law] (MFA CR)
2005-2009 EU-CONSENT - Wider Europe, Deeper Integration? (European Commission, FP6)
2005-2008 EULEIT - Key Concepts for the European Union after Enlargement: Fragmentation, Continuity or Reinvention? (Volkswagen Stiftung)
My research and teaching focuses on the European Union's common foreign and security policy, particularly the institutional framework and the link between the CFSP and foreign and security policies of the member states. Lately, I have worked on the topic of the small states in European security, more specifically on the Czech Republic as a representative of the small EU member states.
EU Common Foreign and Security Policy; small states; Europeanisation; securitisation; Czech foreign and security policy.