Relief for fulfilment of most study obligations
Relief for fulfilment of most study obligations
Please note: This reduction applies for the whole academic year only, not on a semester base; i.e., if the student fullfills all study requirements in the winter semester, it is not possible to be awarded the fee reduction for the subsequent summer semester. The tuition fee is set for the whole academic year at the beginning of that year, as are the reductions.
Rules and process
The relief for the fulfillment of most study obligations is offered to students who will meet the criteria stated in the DIRECTIVE S_OCJSP_001 and who will submit the application as described below. Students granted with this relief pay a reduced tuition fee of EUR 600 per academic year. The payment schedule is not allowed in this case.
The applications for the discount are to be submitted on a yearly basis. The application process has the following stages:
- Until 15/10 of the calendar year the International Office on an automatical basis identifies the students who have by 30/09 of the calendar year fulfilled the study requirements necessary to be eligible for the discount for completion of most study requirements (no prior application for the discount from the side of students is necessary). The eligible students will automatically be sent an invoice with the amount of the yearly tuition fee lowered to 600 EUR per academic year, payable until 20/10 of the calendar year.
- Until 30/11 of the calendar year the International Office reaches out to eligible students with the request to submit official discount request documents.
- Until 31/12 of the calendar year students submit the originals of the discount request documents to the International office either in person or via post office (to the address International Office, FSV UK, Eva Kapuciánová, Smetanovo nábř. 995/6, Praha, 110 00, Czechia). Fax, scan or e-mail copies of the application form will not be accepted. In case a student would not submit the requested documents by this date it would be considered as not meeting the request for a formal application for the discount. Such students would during the following months receive an invoice with the amount topped-up to the full amount of the tuition fee.
All applications that will meet above-mentioned criteria and deadlines will undergo eligibility check by Programme coordinators according to the up-to-date Dean's provision. The eligible applications will be forwarded to the Rector of the Charles University for decision.